I miss some of the old members who dont come around

It's easy to get someone banned, just paypal a mod $5 and you can take out whomever you like. My question is, WHERE THE FUCK IS SUNSHINE???

Scuze me, I don't work cheap - I'll require at least $7.50. :wink:

and Abe because Abe = Mainliner ::shrug:: what a schizoaffective life meth

Self explanatory.
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Big Lou was incredibly supportive to me as well. He looked out for me and Was a STRONG advocate for women and women's rights. I appreciated that so much. We need many more people like him in this world.
He was very colorful. He had Pepe as his mascot, an amazing toy collection. Hidden Spoiler tags. Cool hysterical memes. Great comebacks. He was a true champ! I found his dialogue very entertaining. Just thinking about him makes my giggle.
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