I miss some of the old members who dont come around

G, is still around, he pops in on another forum from time to time. He's well, other than his back.
Someone mentioned minne, he's good too. Getting his life right, still an asshat. He was here visiting me a few weeks ago.
Mojo got caught up in some serious shit. He mentioned it on another forum then disappeared. I saw him on line a few months later but wasn't able to talk to him. I hope he's doing well.

Nah, haven't been, was supposed to do an ocean trip with father in law... hasn't happened yet.
I just got done building a new grow room and am trying to get a rotation going.
You heading out this way anytime soon? I'll take cuts if you're drowning with extras... lol. You still have my number?
Nah, haven't been, was supposed to do an ocean trip with father in law... hasn't happened yet.
I just got done building a new grow room and am trying to get a rotation going.
You heading out this way anytime soon? I'll take cuts if you're drowning with extras... lol. You still have my number?

Not sure, went back thru my text's and found a few girls numbers and got side tracked.
I didn't realize I knew that many people from your area code!
That he kept posting self mutilation pics is what got him the boot.
I told him several times to cut it out (no pun intended) but I guess he forgot *go figure* o_O
I tried to speak with him privately about that issue and suggested a path for help. He ramped up after that, sigh. I sincerely hope he gets the help he needs. In his lucid moments he was a nice guy.
That he kept posting self mutilation pics is what got him the boot.
I told him several times to cut it out (no pun intended) but I guess he forgot *go figure* o_O
Oh he’s banned!? Even better. I just know after I gave him that public beat down he never really came back.

His last post he literally posted a bag of brown sugar claiming it was heroin. There’s pathetic and then There’s THAT.