Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
i aprecite the jokes but please the fuck is this thing i thought funnel webs looked more terentula this looks like a red back well i defenetly won be harvesting itmearly not at all buy tje look of it im not touching it no matter what fuck it im not dying over a plant it looks kinda like thay look when thay wanna go ya lol atleast if theres any pests hell eat em fuck ur neem oil lol


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pic but the legs look a bit chunky. I reckon it's a black house spider. Not deadly but they hurt when they bite and leave a fuckin itchy spot that takes a good while to get better. If not that it prob is a red back but if it's that big you should see the red spot pretty easy.

Also if you haven't already done so having spiders like that moving in is a good sign you should tidy up the tent. Spiders love mess
Listen to your uncle @giglewigle


Well-Known Member
i aprecite the jokes but please the fuck is this thing i thought funnel webs looked more terentula this looks like a red back well i defenetly won be harvesting itmearly not at all buy tje look of it im not touching it no matter what fuck it im not dying over a plant it looks kinda like thay look when thay wanna go ya lol atleast if theres any pests hell eat em fuck ur neem oil lol
Go put your big boy pants on and put 2 shoes on your hands like gloves and thunderclap it


Well-Known Member
Go put your big boy pants on and put 2 shoes on your hands like gloves and thunderclap it
ye i know at some point im gunna have 2 man the fuck up but im i am legit aracnafobic and being me i can think of to may reasons thait will fail im thinking wone sho top other bottem and bamm to morro im gunna have 2 clean it up hard every think is getting chucked if i dont need it then i think im gunna move the plants out after iv killed the spider and bug bomb the van or some shit


Well-Known Member
i did it but not without casultys i should have used somthing else shit20171115_213801.jpg it was an all black spider i think it had like i brownish strip idk im kinda pissed i took out some of my plant ill uploed another pic tomorros ill be doing some sping cleaning 20171115_213801.jpg 20171115_213738.jpg lol good luckk spotting it i swaer it looked bigger on my leaf


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
thought fuck it seing as it was 25 i there now i se the light 2 do anotner 1212 after i clen it to morro i mignt set ip the exoust to be on at night