Almost at week 4 flower - too bushy??


Well-Known Member
Just want to ask for some advice.

I know it's mid flower and I probably should have pruned a bit more before this but just curious...

Should a prune a bit or just let'er finish out like this?

Things seem to be progressing pretty good...



Active Member
You will get alot of different comments, some will tell keep it and some will tell to take them off,

You should definitely defoliate so your bottom growth get some light, it will help your yield


Active Member
You are recommended to defoliate on day 1 and day 20 of flowering.

Looks like you didnt do any pruning.

So tomorrow take that plant out and give it a gooood haircut!


Active Member
Your choice,

But one quote i like

“Grow budd not leafs”

Im gonna leave at that.!

I've been reviewing literature and can't come to a conclusion that it actually helps... lots of bro-science out there but nothing worth it's weight...

I'm gonna leaf them alone (bad pun, funny as fuck when I wrote it though).

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Your choice,

But one quote i like

“Grow budd not leafs”

Im gonna leave at that.!
if you don't know what your doing and remove leaves the plant then spends time producing leaves to replace the ones removed. It in effect can slow your growing cycle.

I'm all for a light trim and lolloping but defoliating a plant when not knowing what your doing can hurt yields. Most (not all ) have lost yields when doing side by side comparison grows. Which ever side of the camp your on id say most would agree if you don't have much experience in growing then KISS (Keep It Simple Stoner) should be your motto.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Just want to ask for some advice.

I know it's mid flower and I probably should have pruned a bit more before this but just curious...

Should a prune a bit or just let'er finish out like this?

Things seem to be progressing pretty good...
Looks fine to me. Just keep doing what your doing.

andy s

Well-Known Member
Just want to ask for some advice.

I know it's mid flower and I probably should have pruned a bit more before this but just curious...

Should a prune a bit or just let'er finish out like this?

Things seem to be progressing pretty good...
id take most of the big fan leafs off of there and let all them other leafs bu=y the buds take in more light

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
It proven to help.

OP look uo shwaazzing,

Not recommendeding shwazzing for new grower but just take few fan leaves off
I don't mean to sound nasty but you should not be giving anyone advice, especially new growers., Judging from your thread you are new and having problems. You are even told on the first page you should not have defoliated and you reply "That makes sense" - as in you should not of.

You also say "They were bushy and happy but I gave them them a hair cut and fed them and since then they are not doing well."

I'm sorry if I come across rude, that's not my intention.

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Well-Known Member
I've been reviewing literature and can't come to a conclusion that it actually helps... lots of bro-science out there but nothing worth it's weight...

I'm gonna leaf them alone (bad pun, funny as fuck when I wrote it though).
Defoliation is a mugs game but lollypopping makes sense with what looks like low par/ppfd wattage lights.
Is it under CFL?


Active Member
I mean i see where your coming from,

I had a nute burn due to a messed up ppm meeter

It would 600 when in actuality it would be 1600.

I realized that few weeks ago.

But i just grabbed the blue lab combo one thats like $250

Its working like a charm and havent had a single issue and ladies are coming in strong

I don't mean to sound nasty but you should not be giving anyone advice, especially new growers., Judging from your thread you are new and having problems. You are even told on the first page you should not have defoliated and you reply "That makes sense" - as in you should not of.

You also say "They were bushy and happy but I gave them them a hair cut and fed them and since then they are not doing well."

I'm sorry if I come across rude, that's not my intention.



Well-Known Member
It proven to help.

OP look uo shwaazzing,

Not recommendeding shwazzing for new grower but just take few fan leaves off

Notice the leaves growing back. Then they're cut off again and regrown again? Can you explain how forcing a plant to regrow leaves multiple times in flower improves yield. It would seem to take time and energy away from growing bud wouldn't it?

Buds don't need light. They're not efficient at photosynthesis. They have no stomata which means no gas exchange, temp control, respiration, or transpiration.
Their job is to produce seed not energy for growth.

Plants like every other living thing on earth are carbon based. If you consider most of a plants mass is carbon and carbon is absorbed from the air through the leaves the only increase will be in your compost pile. So growing bud not leaves sounds foolish when you think about it, because your plants had to grow triple the amount of leaves as it would've if it was left alone.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where each of the replies were aimed but i do have adaquate light and I mainlined so lollipopped as part of the mainline process.

The 8x2 buds you see are nearly the only ones (max 2 bud sites at the nodes directly below the main buds).

I mainlined to help keep both plants at the rigt size for the space. It turned out ok.

Again, I have done quite a bit of digging and cant find any real evidence for defoliating in flower increasing yield.

Heck most of the things I find are people testing across different grow ccleswhere nutrient line and genetics changed... hardly a controlled test.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
Prune out "Pop Corn" in the shadows and only remove what shades larger bud sites. Removal for increased air flow is also a good idea. Plants look good!


Well-Known Member
Like many flowering plants the more you trim them (up to a point) the more they flower.
It is not the answer to every style and strain.
It would be reckless doing it to a cheese that finishes in 54 days, but could give a stretching sativa something else to do than reach for the sky.