30 DAY EVICTION NOTICE! What would YOU do?!


Active Member
Hey people, I am NEEDING some solid advice here & ASAP! I will spare the details but tell you the ONLY semi-justified excuse/"reason" our landlord-slumlord has to evict us is (Some info. I removed for anonymity) & it seems now, near the end our lease they decided to take the cheap, cowards way out of fixing anything by evicting is. Now...obviously there's a reason I'm a member of a site like this right? So I try to weigh the bad & good & hope the benefits win naturally, & bcuz they NEVER fix anything, they're also never stopping by so I can appreciate the privacy a lazy landlord brings to the table! So the MAIN problem... with only 30 days as of today to vacate the premises WTH can I do with 14 little bushes in veg.?! I have given it a sudden rushed day of thought & decided to throw them ALL in bud, 12/12. Maybe I can at least hack down some 1/2 decent premature bud-lings &/or make a reasonable batch of extract... these rotten bastards... ANY positive input or actual 1st hand experience would be GREATLY appreciated, please! Thanks guys!
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Yep, I know...even with the most amazingly, short lived strain I've EVER had I've never seen anything worth much in a month...gah. And we'll FamMan... I don't know...yet. I mean, I naturally HOPE I end up in a chill, relaxed type of living situation next but that's neither here nor there and I wanna feel ANY new location out before doing "gardening things" ya know? This situations sucks so much butthole... the thing I DIDN'T explain was that 6 of these plants are old genetics from both Alaska and Hawaii... (2 STRONG male AK's, 2 HI girls & 2 AK girls) I mean, I still have some beans from both but damnit ya know? It will hurt my heart to snap their necks and shitcan 'em...I guess I'm thinking my absolute LAST option (other than a friend who'll babysit/take over at THEIR place & lemme keep my parental rights...so to speak, (both are looking unlikely btw) OR go as far as I can, cut a few Monster crop cuttings & ISO extract the crap outta the rest...I am just out of ideas & after rereading the rental contract I'm more than a little concerned about the part that basically reads " landlord can walk in whenever he feels like it or to show to prospective new tenants during eviction month...yyyyeah.
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You need to sighn for a new place asap. You can easily transport them in a rental truck.

You need a new place and you need it NOW. Worry bout discrete land lords later (you can always high a truck for inspection day)
Dont get rid of them, stunt their growth by tapering down their light and nutrients...or even leave them be and just cut them in half and take of all the shade leave just before you have to move...then put them into cardboard boxes when you move. I have done this a few times...if they are in veg you have to do something really wrong to kill them, they can even put up with no light for a few days and still will be fine.
kill it off, start over at the new place. Don't make your life harder than it needs to be. You are in a place of weakness right now so go along to get along till you are strong again.

I know no one wants to hear this but the truth is the truth. Reduce variables live a simple and easy life

Dont get rid of them, stunt their growth by tapering down their light and nutrients...or even leave them be and just cut them in half and take of all the shade leave just before you have to move...then put them into cardboard boxes when you move. I have done this a few times...if they are in veg you have to do something really wrong to kill them, they can even put up with no light for a few days and still will be fine.

This is a good point. Since the plants are still in veg, it would make the most sense to saw off the vegetation and take the containers with the stems in them to your new place. It's a lot easier to box and move them this way IF you don't have the means of renting a truck. Re-vegging would ensure that you're up and running quicker than by taking clones, since the root system has already developed and the plant only needs to spend energy on producing leaves.
Uhaul vans are only like 30 a day plus tax. Take clones and start over. Sucks but sometimes in this thing of ours u gotta do it. Chopping prematurely hurts all of us to the core. This isn't a failure but feedback. Take this lessen and learn from it. Hope it all works out.

Yeah...this....uhaul them or put them in the moving fan.

Id do that before I chopped prematurely.
Hey people, I am NEEDING some solid advice here & ASAP! I will spare the details but tell you the ONLY semi-justified excuse/"reason" our landlord-slumlord has to evict us is (Some info. I removed for anonymity) & it seems now, near the end our lease they decided to take the cheap, cowards way out of fixing anything by evicting is. Now...obviously there's a reason I'm a member of a site like this right? So I try to weigh the bad & good & hope the benefits win naturally, & bcuz they NEVER fix anything, they're also never stopping by so I can appreciate the privacy a lazy landlord brings to the table! So the MAIN problem... with only 30 days as of today to vacate the premises WTH can I do with 14 little bushes in veg.?! I have given it a sudden rushed day of thought & decided to throw them ALL in bud, 12/12. Maybe I can at least hack down some 1/2 decent premature bud-lings &/or make a reasonable batch of extract... these rotten bastards... ANY positive input or actual 1st hand experience would be GREATLY appreciated, please! Thanks guys!

Why don't you keep them in veg until about two weeks before you move, then take as many clones as possible. Run a sog at your new place with the clones to make up for lost time. You could even run 12/12 from clone to get to harvest quicker if needed. You could just get rid of the plants you have now, or make them mothers at the new spot.
Well, I appreciate ALL of your input, thank you! Though not gonna lie, I'm STILL not 100% on what I'll do...I guess I should have added I'm STILL battling these mother f€&,%ing NATIVE outdoor (no, NOT the cannabis specific 2 spotted hardcore type) spider mites! However, it's beginning to seem like as long as you have a spider mite infestation, it doesn't matter WHAT type they are... they are nearly impossible to be 100% rid of! I just ended a full 10 day systemic/foliage run of azamax, saw lots of them but not ONE crawling around, but just to be safe, waited a few days and looked again and noticed one just strolling by along among his dead buddy's....dirty little bastard, so NOW I'm hitting them with some orange yellow liquid stuff that's mainly neem oil & just sprayed the crap outta them...I'm starting to think I won't be able to guarantee any clones I take won't be totally free of mites...in which case I would shitcan the ENTIRE thing. I REFUSE to bring them into my next grow op.! We'll see eh?! OH! Btw Up until now I haven't seen ONE seed from my DIY attempt to cross pollinate my favorite and LAST plant of a random bag seed strain (and a buff, tightly noded skunky male )that has been an amazing yielder of sweeet Stanky nugs, well a VERY unexpected seed jumped out of a oddly placed and scarce big brown pod near a lower branch on one of my biggest curing buds! Hell YEAH! So... the "hybrid version" of my fruity bitch lives!
I had big girls one time when I had to move so I just got large boxes from uhaul and boxed them up. Sure they stunk the truck up but I had to do what I had to do, lol. I'd say if you got somewhere to go then box them up, if not, you're boned.
Check with your state/local laws.. A 30 day notice is really just a request for you to vacate.. It holds no real force or power.. But continue to pay rent...
In most cases it's realllly hard to evict someone. It can take a year to get someone out. I forget the exact process, but they post the notice which starts the clock, if you don't move out then they actually have to sue you to move out.. Once a court date is set just don't show up and request another date 30 days later etc... I live in Cali and have tried to evict someone. The tenant has crazy rights... We went 9 months without receiving a penny in rent while trying to evict.
Well, I appreciate ALL of your input, thank you! Though not gonna lie, I'm STILL not 100% on what I'll do...I guess I should have added I'm STILL battling these mother f€&,%ing NATIVE outdoor (no, NOT the cannabis specific 2 spotted hardcore type) spider mites! However, it's beginning to seem like as long as you have a spider mite infestation, it doesn't matter WHAT type they are... they are nearly impossible to be 100% rid of! I just ended a full 10 day systemic/foliage run of azamax, saw lots of them but not ONE crawling around, but just to be safe, waited a few days and looked again and noticed one just strolling by along among his dead buddy's....dirty little bastard, so NOW I'm hitting them with some orange yellow liquid stuff that's mainly neem oil & just sprayed the crap outta them...I'm starting to think I won't be able to guarantee any clones I take won't be totally free of mites...in which case I would shitcan the ENTIRE thing. I REFUSE to bring them into my next grow op.! We'll see eh?! OH! Btw Up until now I haven't seen ONE seed from my DIY attempt to cross pollinate my favorite and LAST plant of a random bag seed strain (and a buff, tightly noded skunky male )that has been an amazing yielder of sweeet Stanky nugs, well a VERY unexpected seed jumped out of a oddly placed and scarce big brown pod near a lower branch on one of my biggest curing buds! Hell YEAH! So... the "hybrid version" of my fruity bitch lives!
There are fantastic genetics for sale nowadays so losing your favorite is not the big deal it used to be.