Aussie Growers Thread

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Still in negotiations he’s not real keen on dropping the price but he wants to sell pretty bad aswell so I’m not offering more even if I could afford to,if someone else wants to pay more
they can have it.
Good to see your not emotional on the house. Its a mistake than can cost a lot of $$$ and heartache.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I may revert the Uscrog back to a horizontal version. According to some. My lights may not work all that well on the sides. Not that I'm going to complain if they don't. Just means I need to do something with the light configuration.
up to you of cause but I think it would work out preety good. Its hard maximising a small space and I think it would yield more.
They might get less light on the side but they will grow and grow towards the light (to be tied back down again..) The buds may not be rock hard up there but its all weight and usable space.


Well-Known Member
Guess you've got a point. All I can do is try. And if it really doesn't work. Then I can always go back to the horizontal scrog.
You could try and adjust the Cobs but that might not be worth the effort ? I can see the point they are trying to make but not being familiar with LED Lights I couldn’t agree nor disagree with them,but there’s one way to find out


Well-Known Member
Best of luck brotha. It can be a vicious market.
Good to see your not emotional on the house. Its a mistake than can cost a lot of $$$ and heartache.
I’ve lived in some pretty rough shacks over time and could live in them no worries if it came to that so I’m not bothered if I miss this one. If I get it at my price it’s a good buy even the price he wants is market value or a bit under. Tell you the truth I’ve got that much shit going on at the moment I could do without anymore but like I said if he wants to sell at my price I’ll buy it otherwise I’m out.


Well-Known Member
I've bored out the holes in the round bucket. Chopped a bit off the square one to level it with the round one. Tumbled and mixed my old and new soil. And now they're just all sitting around waiting to be used.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I turned on the room light. And it didnt even register against my cobs on their lowest setting.

Looks like I'm not even going to need to turn these puppies up now.20171203_200540.jpg


Well-Known Member
Fiiiiiinally finished! All parts in place. Paint done. Buckets postioned and loaded with some Strawberry Clover as a cover crop.

I haven't started germing any beans yet. I want to see how the cover crop fares in the remixed soil first... But you know me. Bit like our mate @giglewigle. I'm prone to saying "fuck it" a lot. And just doing whatever comes to mind.20171203_210318.jpgAnd here's the controls with tape over all the goddamn lights. 20171203_211045.jpg


Well-Known Member
Fiiiiiinally finished! All parts in place. Paint done. Buckets postioned and loaded with some Strawberry Clover as a cover crop.

I haven't started germing any beans yet. I want to see how the cover crop fares in the remixed soil first... But you know me. Bit like our mate @giglewigle. I'm prone to saying "fuck it" a lot. And just doing whatever comes to mind.View attachment 4052374And here's the controls with tape over all the goddamn lights. View attachment 4052375
I think that looks like it should work,You aren’t loosing much of the flat part of the scrog and anything that you pull from the vert sections is a bonus :)