Tired of paycheck-to-paycheck? Wish to make a difference NOW? Create your own:
A legit loophole that the common man can leverage TODAY with noticeable difference in take home the VERY NEXT PAY CHECK! While your filling out your 2018 benefit enrollment, perhaps you can mosey on over to the W4 drop downs No benefit software? Easy! ask your company for new 2018 W4, fill it out and turn it in.
Your HR department is not allowed to monitor or discuss W4 information. It's against the law. Do NOT be intimidated.
I welcome debate from CPA/Accounting professionals
A legit loophole that the common man can leverage TODAY with noticeable difference in take home the VERY NEXT PAY CHECK! While your filling out your 2018 benefit enrollment, perhaps you can mosey on over to the W4 drop downs No benefit software? Easy! ask your company for new 2018 W4, fill it out and turn it in.
Your HR department is not allowed to monitor or discuss W4 information. It's against the law. Do NOT be intimidated.
I welcome debate from CPA/Accounting professionals