Well-Known Member
You haven’t seen a lot of weed then,I reckon there’s some fucking shit hot weed being grown in all sorts of styles and mediums I’ve got nothing against no-till but the guys that preach the no-till gospel and put shit on other people’s methods are kidding themselves or are trying to push their agenda as a marketing ploy. This whole “can’t grow fire if you use bottled nutes” crap is just plain wrong. Some of the best weed I’ve smoked was grown by guys that you ask them what no till is and they wouldn’t have a clue what you are talking about.simplicity and all the best looking weed iv seen was grown in some kind of no till.
Once i have a good recipe down witch at this point iv just gotta get them around after xmas ill have 1200 witch i plan on spending atleast a couple hundred on good amendments for the tumbler im eather going 2 get there nute kit witch starts at 15 dollers witchni think with that one u ad half to full of it to a 30 liter base ans airation
or i wanna get a bukashi bin and bury it in tjat tilll its full and let it sit i wanna also add short and long turn amendments like rock dusts mainly i just wanna have the best possable soil for ever would be cool 2 be able 2 keep macking it better year after year
What you wanna bury your bokashi bin for lol