What kind of game do you like to play when you're high?

I play the card games on my comp. free cell &spider. I got up to 2999 games won in a row with no loses in my old comp. non card games i like diablo2 lod.
Nothing is better than smoking a blunt and killing a poor guy in Faction Warfare just trying to make a plex ...teeeee.hheee.hhhee I love EVE Online. no other game in the world makes you feel that way, when you feel like you heart just dropped to the floor because a sub cap fleet just bridged in a titan with 30 super carriers ....you jump up run around the room slam against the wall and run back yell LIGHT CYNO!.... omfg I think I just busted a nut....

me and my 97% isk efficiency *cough cough* I'm currently working on a car or I would be all over that.
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BATTLEFIELD 1 ALL THE WAY!! I TEAR around In a tank playing with a buddy repair guy and we rock 40-0 or 60-2 scores like that! I do as driver but usually he's like 5-18 with 15,000 points lol. He is number 16 in world for repair man
"mmos" ?

Yeah, I know that in theory people should be able to prioritize/focus on reality/etc., but in the case of my friend Chris, I'm thinking he was maybe severely depressed or a bit mentally ill. :(
He went from a vivacious, friendly 40-year-old to a gray-skinned, soda-guzzling, introvert that would no longer even answer the door within just a few months, sigh....his 'poison' was the Warcraft World game.

When you could get him to answer, he'd crack the door and leer at you with serial killer eyes, nothing else in the dark room but his computer screen and empty Mt. Dew 2-liters. He stank, as well, and even lost his wife and job over it. Sad case....
hay big lou i know this probably wasnt ment to be funny .after i read this iwas in tears of laughter on the floor it hurt to laugh so much sorry in advance funniest shit iv read in along time i just had to say somthing didnt see the conversation you were haveing leading my to laugh cry