What kind of game do you like to play when you're high?

i've been playing swtor on and off since it launched....it has some problems but they've got a lot of stuff to do, dailies for gear and rep, a decent set of raids, with three different levels of difficulty, i'm not into pvp but they have a fairly active pvp community.
crafting is pretty unbalanced, the guys who make gear augments and biochemist who make stims and med packs do well, otherwise crafting is kind of meh.
if you like the "mythos" of star wars, it's a good game. fun to be a bounty hunter and rain down death from above, or be a Marauder and force choke people before you hack them up with your light saber...

im not into like sci-fi type games or anything to really do with sci-fi. what i mean is like space stuff. idk why never was a fan of the genre. i'll watch movies related to it like star wars, star trek, etc.. but it doesn't peak my interests. im more like medievil type of person such as LOTR. LOTR online is supposed to be a good game but it's super outdated graphics and when ever i tried playing it didn't see anyone in the game.

WoW has been good but over the years since they merged with activision it's just been turning into a shit show year after year. this yea a BUNCH of higher ups left or got fired. i know 1 was from blizzard he quit, the other was from activision and he got fired and then hired by netflix. then they started laying off a shit load of workers and i think stated "for diversity reasons" but more then likely it's cause they are losing a lot of money. im pretty much waiting for classic to come out play it and if i still hate the game quit for good. i like the slow progression in mmorpg's hate steam rolling through content and levels it doesn't feel rewarding at all
im not into like sci-fi type games or anything to really do with sci-fi. what i mean is like space stuff. idk why never was a fan of the genre. i'll watch movies related to it like star wars, star trek, etc.. but it doesn't peak my interests. im more like medievil type of person such as LOTR. LOTR online is supposed to be a good game but it's super outdated graphics and when ever i tried playing it didn't see anyone in the game.

WoW has been good but over the years since they merged with activision it's just been turning into a shit show year after year. this yea a BUNCH of higher ups left or got fired. i know 1 was from blizzard he quit, the other was from activision and he got fired and then hired by netflix. then they started laying off a shit load of workers and i think stated "for diversity reasons" but more then likely it's cause they are losing a lot of money. im pretty much waiting for classic to come out play it and if i still hate the game quit for good. i like the slow progression in mmorpg's hate steam rolling through content and levels it doesn't feel rewarding at all
it IS star wars...but it's also pretty much WoW...there are flashpoints - dungeons, there are operations - raids, there is a random group finder, there are dailies for rep and tokens to trade for gear, there are tanks, healers, and ranged and melee dps...people play the GTN - auction house....mmo's are all the same, even though they're all different
it IS star wars...but it's also pretty much WoW...there are flashpoints - dungeons, there are operations - raids, there is a random group finder, there are dailies for rep and tokens to trade for gear, there are tanks, healers, and ranged and melee dps...people play the GTN - auction house....mmo's are all the same, even though they're all different

yea but like i said im not a HUGE fan of like space stuff. i prefer LOTR over star wars. thats why all the mmorpg's i tend to play are more medevil kinda stuff. yea all mmorpg's are pretty much the same structure. not saying swtor is a bad game i simply just don't care for that kinda genre i guess you can call it. right now i got a BUNCH of games i've bought and haven't made a dent. like skyrim, gta5, etc.. im waiting for sekiro or however you spell it gonna tweak on that game for now. even got dark souls 3 didn't even get past the first boss lmfao.
i haven't gotten far in that game just seemed really dead still has updates and what not but idk why they don't update the graphics. graphics isn't everything but i mean you need some really good gameplay to pull that off.
probably built on an older engine, that won't support much better graphics. and i don't think it makes enough for them to justify rebuilding it on a new engine
probably that is how WoW is. they can't make major graphic updates due to being on an older engine.
yeah, but, wow actually still makes enough money that they might do it, and it would draw a lot of people back to the game. i'd come back for a month or two just to see the old world with new graphics...and Dranei chicks in HD.....
MMORPGs for me, or just console single player rpgs. Although it's been a good while since any good mmo came around. Played Ultima Online back in mid 90s for a few years, EQ, Asherons Call, WoW of course, DAoC and a few others. Waiting for Camelot Unchained I think its gonna be good.
Sex games, for sure- but she still has to be cute. Beer goggles are real, another good reason to stay away from the booze lol
Played and finished. Until Dawn over the last few nights... Highly recommend to everyone who likes slasher horror movies and likes to play games that are more like an interactive movie.

titan fall 2 is the only game anyone should play, all the rest are boring compared.

I had 20 games all new ones and i stopped playing them all due to boringness, titan fall 2 is epic !

Skills and tactics change over time. it never stays the same shit, people get better and more clever.

top of the board high

bottom of the board when am too high ha ha !!