What kind of game do you like to play when you're high?

my friend wanted to try out elder scrolls online, so i got it too....i don't recommend it.
dumbed down everything, combat is either quick clicks or slow clicks, a total of 5 usable abilities at a time, you have to push a button to get to a menu, that takes you to a sub menu, that may take you where you want to go....
you HAVE to use the mouse to navigate....its just a really clunky interface to a mediocre game with no real end game...
WoW has its problems, but its 100 times better mmo than this
Chess and Backgammon are more interesting but when I play them at the same time I have to do lines and it helps if I do some micro dots.
The original X-Box, GTA San Andreas! I could be the leader of my own 1-person-cult about that game! I saw a couple replies about GTA 5, which I like pretty well too, but I've had the old X-Box 'Platinum Collectors Edition' that came with the paper map! That is just a very therapeutic, stoner game! I can play both on 360. Carl, Sweet and Big Smoke on a 55" is a beautiful thing for this old fart! Plus, do you know how many famous people are voices on the original?

I saw another reply with old-school Goldeneye, which I still have on Nintento 64. I bought a few old-school consoles to be able to keep my favorite games. Found an Atari Jaguar with 2 controllers for $40...
Fallout 4, Skyrim, Farcry 5 on the Xbox one and Halo 3 online on the 360. 11 years and counting. HMU Xbox tag is Commersh.
I play on console because there are fewer buttons and I'm lying on a sofa. Games wise, I play now Dead by Daylight. That's a horror asymmetric multiplayer where you play as a maniac or as a victim (here for detailed reviews HammerGamer.com). Actually, highness brings more emotions in the gameplay process. New game experience promised by developers finally here xD
I play on console because there are fewer buttons and I'm lying on a sofa. Games wise, I play now Dead by Daylight. That's a horror asymmetric multiplayer where you play as a maniac or as a victim (here for detailed reviews HammerGamer.com). Actually, highness brings more emotions in the gameplay process. New game experience promised by developers finally here xD
Dbd is pretgy cool. I just wish you could jump in the game. I play it on ps4 sometimes.
I also play console games because id rather sit on a couch then a desk
this is my raid team a while back doing a hard mode boss in swtor, i'm Bånq, one of the two healers
always liked the music that got uploaded with this
Astrobot! Awesome gameplay and the soundtrack isn't bad either.
Smoking help alleviate the motion sickness I usually get when in VR.
WoW been playing for 10-12 years now. i've currently quit but idk if i will get back into it. used to play at a competitive level but my work schedule never matches up with raid times/days so i get bored if i can't raid. tried countless times to find groups but it was like meh.. most require high ilvl or achievements and then they end up sucking. i liked to play it because of friends who also smoke we all just smoke bowls or blunts while we play.

i really like mmorpg's but hard to really find good ones. played pretty much all the top rated ones. BDO, WoW, FFARB, ESO, etc.. i like games such as RS too where i can build up skills and craft stuff.
WoW been playing for 10-12 years now. i've currently quit but idk if i will get back into it. used to play at a competitive level but my work schedule never matches up with raid times/days so i get bored if i can't raid. tried countless times to find groups but it was like meh.. most require high ilvl or achievements and then they end up sucking. i liked to play it because of friends who also smoke we all just smoke bowls or blunts while we play.

i really like mmorpg's but hard to really find good ones. played pretty much all the top rated ones. BDO, WoW, FFARB, ESO, etc.. i like games such as RS too where i can build up skills and craft stuff.

i've been playing swtor on and off since it launched....it has some problems but they've got a lot of stuff to do, dailies for gear and rep, a decent set of raids, with three different levels of difficulty, i'm not into pvp but they have a fairly active pvp community.
crafting is pretty unbalanced, the guys who make gear augments and biochemist who make stims and med packs do well, otherwise crafting is kind of meh.
if you like the "mythos" of star wars, it's a good game. fun to be a bounty hunter and rain down death from above, or be a Marauder and force choke people before you hack them up with your light saber...