Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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I recently listened to a radio interview with some "scientist" saying " the earth is flat, global warming proves it "...... The interviewer said "well I just can't agree, global warming has been proven to be a hoax, but you do bring up some very interesting points about the shape of the planet." Wowsers!
If the earth were curved a pilot would have to repeatedly dip the nose of his aircraft every few seconds to maintain a given altitude. This is not the case globe tards! Nothing dumber than a round earthier.

Again. Gravity is why.

Do you ever even look up the the real info or do you get your schooling at home from your flat earth believing parents?

In other words. Are you really 12?
You sir are full of shit. I served on the JFK as a missile specialist. I had access to high powered telescopic optics and laser guided sighting to zero in on potential targets. Thermal guidance systems are integrated into surface to air and air to air weaponry. Tomahawks at a million bux a pop were fed GPS coordinates. Radar and infra red tracking can fail in inclement weather. That's classified. How we compensated for that was by using plane trig to calculate and predict a targets location with all the variables accounted for. It was then we switched to thermal tracking by making use of the versatility in some of our weaponry. We used the plane trig to get the general location then heat seeking tech would take over.

No you weren’t. If you were you would have mentioned it when I told you about my mom and programming satellites for the Air Force.

You are 12 aren’t you?
I spent 9 years in navy intell now I'm a contract agent for the CIA. Currently I am Involved in disinformation ops regarding flat earth. I speak 9 languages fluently and a expert with firearms, knives and my freakin bare hands. I have a titanium coated micro chip tracking device implanted in my wrist. I plan on retiring to my renovated Cold War era missile silo just before the big event. I will remember you all when you get flash fried by deadly gamma rays 32 months from now.
I spent 9 years in navy intell now I'm a contract agent for the CIA. Currently I am Involved in disinformation ops regarding flat earth. I speak 9 languages fluently and a expert with firearms, knives and my freakin bare hands. I have a titanium coated micro chip tracking device implanted in my wrist. I plan on retiring to my renovated Cold War era missile silo just before the big event. I will remember you all when you get flash fried by deadly gamma rays 32 months from now.
In my experience... Anytime and every time someone says "i work for the CIA" or "contract" for the CIA, it's usually poop... just saying.... Outta curiosity, which 9 languages do you fluently speak??
I spent 9 years in navy intell now I'm a contract agent for the CIA. Currently I am Involved in disinformation ops regarding flat earth. I speak 9 languages fluently and a expert with firearms, knives and my freakin bare hands. I have a titanium coated micro chip tracking device implanted in my wrist. I plan on retiring to my renovated Cold War era missile silo just before the big event. I will remember you all when you get flash fried by deadly gamma rays 32 months from now.

Lol. You really are 12 years old. ;-)
The Statue of Liberty stands 326 ft above sea level. How can it be seen from 60 miles away when it's supposed to be over 2000 feet below the horizon? Remember 8 inches squared every mile. I did the math and feel free to double check my friend.

number one, you can't see the statue of liberty 60 miles away... on a very clear day a person with very good eyes might be able to see the tip of the torch from 25 miles away...i did the math...feel free to double check.
number two, your doing the math from an eye level of zero feet above sea level. most people are on a boat deck that is at least 20 feet above the water.
number three, there would have to be a collective height of nearly 3000 feet to be able to see an object 60 miles away.....check your own math
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You want to teach you how to make a bomb out of an orange? I can steal any car or truck on the road with a flat head screw driver. I can counterfeit any paper currency on the planet. How about the pick 3 pattern to get quick cash from any state lottery?
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