Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I lived up north for 9 months when I was a teen. The aboriginals used to call us white dog cunt and muddafukka all the time. Especially if you didn't give them say a dollar. Or a swig of your drink. Or a ciggie... Even if you didn't smoke.
I live up north with heaps of murrys but our town has had whites and blacks for so long that racism is a rarity because we all grew up with each other and there isn't really a mix of poor and rich. We are all just lower middle class haha.


Well-Known Member
I even had one come up to me and say I should apologize for stealing their land. To which I responded- talk to my grandpa. I didnt steal anything.
My cousins don't participate in sorry day because they don't believe anything good can from living in the past. There dad who is full aboriginal always sais "if you want a wound to heal stop picking at it".they do celebrate Australia day and sometimes that doesn't sit well with the rellies from out west. But look at how our town of blacks and whites just get along and the others are having a small version of the easttimor war on Australia day chucking rocks and rioting.


Well-Known Member
Lived out in an aboriginal community called Nepabunna ages ago too. Good place. Really was out in the sticks. Had a population of less than 100 people.

I didn't get shit hung on me because I was white. As we were out there to help them maintain the bush tucka garden and help them to learn. I did however get offered a choice of two daughters to bed by an elder... I declined the offer. Apparently that was a test of morality.


Well-Known Member
cant wait till after autum when my soil mix is ready so i can grow some more beans and take pics n stuff gunna build up my worm bin for the castings my goal is canabinoid and terpine production im also planing on using a bigger pot amd having a living mulch im also going for a good balence of fugel and mrcrobial amd nigh numbers amd stuff gunna be beast one of my widows as gron 3 fingers for the second leaves nice shade of green im hoping 2 get enough 2 make hash or rosin or something