Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Frieda has been topped at 5th node. She only had 4 sets of leaves now. And Katey is only just growing her 4th and 5th sets. She'll likely be topped next week.

Currently- I'm not so sure I'll be running them by time in vegetation. Probably more leaning towards mesh spread. Say-70-80% filled, then flip to 10 hours of light.

20171227_140244.jpg 20171225_201813.jpg


Well-Known Member
Depends what your spraying and depends where you got your info from. It’s not magic all you are doing is spraying the plant with a nutrient that it absorbs through the pores on the leaf.
Kk im probly eather gunna use gogo or rhizo both for my indoor and out door garden prpbly gunna foliyer the fuck out of em and see i just transplanted my pumkin and my capsicum the capsicum has got a flower or two waiting 2 open i hope it gets bigger

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Thought you may have been in A-dam when it “won” :( the cup. Hopefully you get a good one because the bad ones are hay at best,same as their Vanilla Kush. That Crumbled Lime though :) the Biker Kush Male he uses produces some really heavy yielding Kush plants.
I will grow them with love and hopefully they
Will do the WW x Big Bud first though just to do a good scrog grow after the Black dogs.


Well-Known Member
The times that corelate to growing. 12 hours and 18 hours that kind of thing.
Just keep in mind if you run 10 hrs a day vs 12 your missing out on a day per week of lights on time,that’s almost 2 weeks less chance they will have of photosynthesis that’s going to effect yield hugely.


Well-Known Member
good point lol i guess ill find so thing els 2 give em temted 2 get some eco neem and some eco aminos
What are looking to improve by foliar ? You’ll better results if you target your spraying. Not just for foliar but everything you feed them should have a purpose not just because you saw something online at the hydro shop otherwise your going to spend twice as much for no extra gain.