The Democratic Party Autopsy Report


Well-Known Member
A bond is a debt. They issued bonds to individuals who in return lent them money with the expectation they will be paid back with interest. Those bonds were backed by silver.

... next point ...

today's dollar is no longer backed by gold and silver, like said treasury bonds of old... hence they are not debt. they are backed by faith.

... next point ...

your tiny penis is super duper tiny, but probably fucking huge compared to the size of your tiny trailer.
fed notes become bonded when you deposit with endorsement.

Wwii was financed with American savings.


Well-Known Member
Translation: remove child protection laws which would currently criminalize an old man's determination to groom and manipulate young girls into engaging in sexual activity with him. Brutally sick and terrifying stuff for most parents out there.

How does this help a black person who is being denied service from an employee/business owner?

You have the right to be racist and ignore black people in your private life, but not if you are in business/an employee in the service industry and your private feelings lead you to denying that service to someone based on race, religion, or national origin.

Thank goodness for The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Denying service to a black person, even though you're 'privately' racist, remains a federal crime. Still some way to go for LGBTQ rights on a federal level though.
Discrimination is perfectly legal in the private sector. No law states otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Actually you've run from my questions and quickly go to insults since your arguments are contradictory dead ends ending in your fantasizing about mouth raping my furry mouth. Which isn't very nice.
Nope and this goes back before I even joined here.


Well-Known Member
Discrimination is perfectly legal in the private sector. No law states otherwise.
Discrimination is not perfectly legal in the private sector, neither on a constitutional nor a statutory basis. The Civil Rights Act 1964 states otherwise:

"Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states the ban on racial discrimination affirmatively, as a right of “all persons . . . to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation . . . without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, or national origin.” It defined “any place of public accommodation” broadly, to include all manner of inns and hotels, restaurants, lunch counters, soda fountains, gas stations, theaters, concert halls, and sports arenas that affected commerce, or that were supported by state action. (Title II exempted private clubs that were not, in fact, open to the public.) Title II forbade such discrimination. And it created a private right of action, and authorized the Department of Justice to bring suit, to enforce its provisions."

You might be confusing the private sector with a private members club or a religious institution; the only 'sectors' exempt* from the Act as far as I'm aware. Citation?

*edited typo
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Well-Known Member
Gerbils run under wheels of plastic tape.

Ford killed Jesus while fishing near red rubber bands.

See, I can throw words together too.

Now back to reality....

Americans lent their savings in exchange for promissory notes. ie. debt.


Well-Known Member
You and I don't disagree that many black people were harmed by laws which forcibly prevented them from associating with others who otherwise would have associated them willingly.

The remedy to that is simple, remove laws which prevent free association by willing people.

Instead, as a "solution" you advocate forcible associations, which makes you just as bad as those who forcibly prevented consensual human associations.

I win. Again.
jim crow laws do not come anywhere close to explaining the segregation that you want to see legalized again, racist.

this is just another case of you purposely revising history.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I'm saying, so says the language employed in the final draft of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically relating to privately or publicly owned businesses denying a service to a member of the general public based on race, religion, or national origin.

What? I don't understand the relevance of either part of this question, but I do not think either slavery or rape are 'okay'.
Laws don't mirror morality or immorality though do they? My morality says you should be able to chose who you associate with on your own property and how or if you will use your own body to serve somebody. Which part of that do you disagree with?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I have hard time seeing that point.
He came into office when Roosevelt died. Truman had no background knowledge of the bomb and/or of it's capabilities. Those in charge of the military and the "project" made sure of that.
I feel Truman is no more guilty of that then the guys who actually dropped the bomb's.
BUT, I do feel that the argument of not suffering high troop loss's from an invasion, wasn't actually a valid reason either.
The problem was. That almost no one had any idea of the mass destructive power of the weapon, or the following radiation problems either.
I think we dropped it, mostly by military directive. To "see" what would happen, as much as bring an early end to the war.

The results, shocked many. Sadly the "aren't very bright" military "leaders", were not among them!

Eisenhower had some idea of the actual ramifications of going nuclear. He stopped the request by Macarthur to use it after the Chinese flowed across the border into N Korea. Of course that was because he feared retaliation by the Russians too.

Read that book I suggested. You'll be surprised by the loose control over nuclear weapons till the later 60's! Shocked is more like it...
The guys that dropped the bomb were murderers too. They knowingly caused the death of innocent women and children.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
@Rob Roy

The whole A bomb thing back then was totally unknown by anybody in power, or basically even those that made them. Till they lit a fuse the first time. At that point, the builders wanted to simply give a demonstration and say " This could happen to you."

He wanted to end the war without the heavy loss of American lives. It would have been bad to invade the Japanese homeland. You have to wonder about how he really thought after he killed so many non combatants.

These realities of use. Have prevented the use sense.
Yet yes, "aren't very bright" does cover some, and sadly, those with power around the Pres have issue's too!

Read Daniel Ellsberg's New Book - The Doom's Day Machine. GREAT READ!

Holy shit dude! The things that could have been! We're all lucky as hell to still be here!

Trump is like a kid with a firecracker in his pocket. He wants to light that fucker. Simply because he has it!
Thank you for recommending the book and conversing politely. I appreciate that. I am not defending Trump, I am saying he's only threatened people with nukes, Truman ignited them. Neither have my respect.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nope and this goes back before I even joined here.
Must have been a Yeti, you thought were talking to. They're similar to a Sasquatch but not exactly the same.

So, you'll do anything to keep from answering my questions? Okay, I take that as you can't.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
jim crow laws do not come anywhere close to explaining the segregation that you want to see legalized again, racist.

this is just another case of you purposely revising history.
You default to the idea that nobody really owns themselves and that whatever government decides we must all drop to our knees and fellate their decisions.

That means you DON'T believe in equal rights, since you believe some people can be exempt from threatening offensive force against others and it's okay if they are government or government lap dogs.

I want to see freedom of mutual association reign. You are okay with one party forcing an association.

I am a lover. You are a rapist. Yeah, that's about right.
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