Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
ill get some pics when i can but i cant back naigbers are all out soe ar sede naighbers so there gunna have 2 stay in the tent when i get this loen im getting ac fuck the power bill ill just chip in more


Well-Known Member
Or having 80 in the tray of a 4x4 driving through the the back road to the back road to avoid traffic so a trip that would usually take an hour takes about 3 1/2
Haha speaking of that a few years ago a grower had seedlings in pots in his 4w4 tray they ever bouncing out every couple of hundred metres. There was dead seedlings and brokens pots on the main dirt road for like 5 kms haha poor guy


Well-Known Member
its looking like it wants 2 rain now i dont think itl hit here tho im certain the seed i had are fuked hopefully thay still germinate i think when i harvest these widows im gunna try n get another grow in maybe do a scrog nd shit after that im gunna have 2 get ac in summer nothing worse than hot bong water when pulling a cone


Well-Known Member
iv got one of those evaprotive coolers from the reject shop moght have 2 braek that out tomorro might have 2 put it in the tent and have that on while the lights are of may that will atleast help keep the tent cooler aLL I no is its like 2000 wats and i dont wanna trip a braeker i think that was happening last time but i think i had a hps then i cant re,e,ber eather way im gunna fire it up in a minete and see how far it brings down heat


Well-Known Member
well heres the plant looks a bit like cal def eather way im gunna go back 2 ph ing a 5.9 20180107_183315.jpg 20180107_183322.jpg probley should of taken it out of the tent but i cant be fucked lol