The Democratic Party Autopsy Report


Well-Known Member
says the guy who says black people should go make their own "separate but equal" schools

Says the guy who pretends to support black people, then supports the terror nation that trains the police officers that come back and terrorize black people.

You are a fucking crack up!!!


Well-Known Member
are you racist and what are your views of race relations in the USA
Not racist at all. Its a shame most in this country can't see past what has been shoved in front of them. Racism is not natural. But it is a reality of the group economics. Anytime resources are limited between 2 or more racial groups of the same legal/social status, there will be racial tensions based on economic advantages and disadvantages. IMO, racism is profitable for large segments of industry. Keeping racial groups in competition is the name of the game in this country.


Active Member
Good gawd, you're a dumb fuck. Racial tensions in the US go far beyond that embarrassingly simplistic horse shit. You're an entitled jackass at best, racist AF at worst.
How did we acquire slaves in the first place? Were our grandfathers going through the jungles and capturing them?