Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
way to stupid to figure out runn of percentage but i water tjan stop and wait a mon for it 2 start comming out the bottem i stop waterin when i se water coming out the bottem im a bit off my face atm so im sorry if understamd fuck all of what i just said lol
Funnily enough it made more sense than you usually do.
You want around 10% doesn’t have to be exactly that just in the ballpark


Well-Known Member
looking good im flowering mine soon within 3 weeks when u planing on flipping

Well... My ADHD do it now-ism has been flicking on and off recently. On one hand I'd love to start right now. But I'm hoping to fill as much of that mesh as possible, before switching light cycles.

So. Hopefully not before the end of February.

Look at it this way. You might get a taste if you flip now. But, if you wait a while longer. You'll get all you can eat.


Well-Known Member
Well... My ADHD do it now-ism has been flicking on and off recently. On one hand I'd love to start right now. But I'm hoping to fill as much of that mesh as possible, before switching light cycles.

So. Hopefully not before the end of February.

Look at it this way. You might get a taste if you flip now. But, if you wait a while longer. You'll get all you can eat.
Like what the old bull said to the young bull,they were standing on a hill overlooking a paddock full of heffers and the young bull says “let’s run down there and fuck one of those cows”,the old bull shook his head and says back “let’s walk down there and fuck all those cows” :)


Well-Known Member
They will be intersex for sure. It’s a real trap because the majority will show as female when first sexed but will herm out later.
Because their was no male used there is no way to pass on a Y chromosme (Male’s XY and Females XX) so they are just like a feminised Seed in that regard but feminised Seed is made from chemically inducing hermaphroditism not genetically induced.
So will 100% of the seeds be hermaphrodite or will it be a mix of females and hermaphrodite


Well-Known Member
So will 100% of the seeds be hermaphrodite or will it be a mix of females and hermaphrodite
It’s tricky to say because of it being a cross,if the female has a dominant gene on the chromosome that controls intersex traits then there would be a % that didn’t carry the hermie trait but the only way to be sure would be to flower them out and stress test them. It would have to be a very special strain to take the risk of them going herm on you.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about 500ml of media in any shape or material. Photo or Auto is fine by me. Seed plants only or do you think clones ? That wouldn’t work for Autos though.
May as well start from seed. I've got a few I'm yet to find out what they are.

What about the watering methods? Are we allowed SIPs and / or timered pumps?