So Just because I didn't take photos, you automatically think that's a lie, thank fuck your not a juror your interpretation of a lie is totally different from mine,a lie is where someone makes shit up to cover his ass or for manipulation purposes ,I have told the truth and explained why I don't Keep photos of grows on my phone anymore,so unless you can point out exactly what I lied about stfu because your spreading lies yourself saying that, just because someone don't do a journal don't automatically mean he's lying how dumb is that logic, you are the definition of a bitch,you gonna call someone a lier call them on it tell them what you think they're lying about, not oh there's no pics he's lying how fucking dumb is that,if you don't believe my word fine move on but don't make out I'm lying because I have no reason to lie I'm a bit old to start telling porkies FFS