Well-Known Member
Impressive strawman, god damned impressive. I'm in awe.
LOL well that post by her disappeared fast!Impressive strawman, god damned impressive. I'm in awe.
Which post would that be pumpkin?LOL well that post by her disappeared fast!
Are you drunk..?
......snip..........That was my only motivation for posting the remainder of these images, in a feeble attempt to gain some kind of control back over what was happening. Was that the smartest decision, probably not. Is it the last mistake I’ll make, highly unlikely. Am I perfect or claiming to be, not be any means.
But yes, let us reflect for a moment and continue to shift the spotlight away from the true perpetrators here, and all kindly participate in a bit of healthy, non-sexist, victim naming, shaming and blaming! Because hell; that’s what sexual EQUALITY is all about! Right?
LOLOmfg are you dead serious? Read my prior post. You are another perfect example of why sexism still exists! If I were some guy who’d started gym, was having noticeable results and started posting pics (in the appropriate thread) of his newly defined abs, pecs etc, no one would say a damn word would they!? Pictures I have posted publicly, have been in nothing less than a bikini. Wtf. I didn’t go flashing my “dick” or flashing anything at all. Bobs sock is the only one that went “flashing”, and I STILL got the blame for trashing the thread! Cmon tell me I’m still delusional. I thought you and I saw eye to eye but you’ve just made it obvious we don’t.
I can accept that. You should too.
Nope, not at allAre you drunk..?
Let me get this straight:
Calling me, better yet “labelling” me a “slut”, or saying I’m “acting like one” and deserve to be “treated like one” is in conformity with female equality? This is the “casual misogyny” and sexism I’m referring to.
Tell me what your definition of a slut is? Cos I’m gonna bet it’s majority vote; “a female who not only enjoys sex, but a lot of it. With a perceived tendency for multiple partners”.(Worded far more eloquently than most would have surely preferred.) I now ask you to explain to me what part, or definition of the slur is representative of sexual “equality”? Zero.
The same characteristics/tendencies in a male person generate terms like “stud”, “playboy”, “bachelor”, and an eligible one at that. <^THIS is “equality” in 2018 and “I’m out of my fucking mind”!? Give me a fucking break!
The social structure for interaction online and irl degrades every facet of women’s sexuality everyday on a regular basis. Yes we’ve come leaps and bounds in terms of women’s rights, fairness in the work place, recognition of sahm’s and their roles in society. But fuck this shit, your attitude/s only amplify just how far is left to go!
In relation to posting pics; Let me clarify this one more time, fark! :
Yes i have voluntarily posted “bikini” clad shots. In the appropriate thread in another sub-forum. I have no issue with it so why should you or anyone else for that matter? I’m not your type? I’m not trying to be. Don’t look, simple as that.
*However, only semi-clad images, sent to and intended for ONE PERSON only, were shared 1. Without my knowledge 2. Without my express consent or permission and 3. Against my explicit wishes. — And Its MY character under attack here? Are you fucking kidding me?
After the first couple of images bobs sock made public, I knew it was a matter of time before he posted any others he had received. As predicted he made another sock last week and did it again. That was my only motivation for posting the remainder of these images, in a feeble attempt to gain some kind of control back over what was happening. Was that the smartest decision, probably not. Is it the last mistake I’ll make, highly unlikely. Am I perfect or claiming to be, not be any means.
But yes, let us reflect for a moment and continue to shift the spotlight away from the true perpetrators here, and all kindly participate in a bit of healthy, non-sexist, victim naming, shaming and blaming! Because hell; that’s what sexual EQUALITY is all about! Right?
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.But yes, let us reflect for a moment and continue to shift the spotlight away from the true perpetrators here, and all kindly participate in a bit of healthy, non-sexist, victim naming, shaming and blaming! Because hell; that’s what sexual EQUALITY is all about! Right?
The single most amusing part of this absolute celebration of oppression by everyone-but-the-real-perp is "*However, only semi-clad images, sent to and intended for ONE PERSON only, were shared 1. Without my knowledge 2. Without my express consent or permission and 3. Against my explicit wishes. — And Its MY character under attack here? Are you fucking kidding me?"Let me get this straight:
Calling me, better yet “labelling” me a “slut”, or saying I’m “acting like one” and deserve to be “treated like one” is in conformity with female equality? This is the “casual misogyny” and sexism I’m referring to.
Tell me what your definition of a slut is? Cos I’m gonna bet it’s majority vote; “a female who not only enjoys sex, but a lot of it. With a perceived tendency for multiple partners”.(Worded far more eloquently than most would have surely preferred.) I now ask you to explain to me what part, or definition of the slur is representative of sexual “equality”? Zero.
The same characteristics/tendencies in a male person generate terms like “stud”, “playboy”, “bachelor”, and an eligible one at that. <^THIS is “equality” in 2018 and “I’m out of my fucking mind”!? Give me a fucking break!
The social structure for interaction online and irl degrades every facet of women’s sexuality everyday on a regular basis. Yes we’ve come leaps and bounds in terms of women’s rights, fairness in the work place, recognition of sahm’s and their roles in society. But fuck this shit, your attitude/s only amplify just how far is left to go!
In relation to posting pics; Let me clarify this one more time, fark! :
Yes i have voluntarily posted “bikini” clad shots. In the appropriate thread in another sub-forum. I have no issue with it so why should you or anyone else for that matter? I’m not your type? I’m not trying to be. Don’t look, simple as that.
*However, only semi-clad images, sent to and intended for ONE PERSON only, were shared 1. Without my knowledge 2. Without my express consent or permission and 3. Against my explicit wishes. — And Its MY character under attack here? Are you fucking kidding me?
After the first couple of images bobs sock made public, I knew it was a matter of time before he posted any others he had received. As predicted he made another sock last week and did it again. That was my only motivation for posting the remainder of these images, in a feeble attempt to gain some kind of control back over what was happening. Was that the smartest decision, probably not. Is it the last mistake I’ll make, highly unlikely. Am I perfect or claiming to be, not be any means.
But yes, let us reflect for a moment and continue to shift the spotlight away from the true perpetrators here, and all kindly participate in a bit of healthy, non-sexist, victim naming, shaming and blaming! Because hell; that’s what sexual EQUALITY is all about! Right?
Yeah, what he said. ^^The single most amusing part of this absolute celebration of oppression by everyone-but-the-real-perp is "*However, only semi-clad images, sent to and intended for ONE PERSON only, were shared 1. Without my knowledge 2. Without my express consent or permission and 3. Against my explicit wishes. — And Its MY character under attack here? Are you fucking kidding me?"
Everyone else remembers that when not-Bob's-sock posted the provocation, you VOLUNTEERED titty pics on the public forum, where they would be safely deleted so you could carry on with this lie among many others.
For what it's worth, a promiscuous male is also called a slut. Your argument is and remains invalid.
By the way, remember the deal? You'd asked "what do you want me to do???!?" If someone would only TELLLL the meeeee!"
This offensive business of pretending to want to fit in, with zero intent of delivering, is why you are now a universal object of derision, not merely by Gravity.
When some dick wad thought it would be funny to share the private images of a female member without her consenting to the transmission. That’s when.
- Did you know there’s laws against this in 38 states? Some of those states requiring defendants to register as a sex offender.
Registered sex offender like you Abe?When some dick wad thought it would be funny to share the private images of a female member without her consenting to the transmission. That’s when.
- Did you know there’s laws against this in 38 states? Some of those states requiring defendants to register as a sex offender.
how you been Abe? how's your butthole?When some dick wad thought it would be funny to share the private images of a female member without her consenting to the transmission. That’s when.
- Did you know there’s laws against this in 38 states? Some of those states requiring defendants to register as a sex offender.
GrowBoss is another one of Abe's socks. I would not be surprised to see sock back fires being set.