Christians: Whats your take on Romans 13 ?


Well-Known Member
I was raised Methodist but now reject organized religion as false and hypocritical. The verse in question says to follow our government, but wouldn't that make them false idols? Worse yet, greed is a sin, and aren't those in government the greediest of them all?
God says not to put false idols before Him. Following your govt. does not mean putting them before God.


New Member
I don't know, I think that one is open to interpretation. The government wants people to worship the flag by saying the pledge.

I'm pretty sure the bible means you can only have the one god and none other. I would think that obeying your government would fall under worship. What if your government tells you to kill someone, thou shalt not kill, says god. Whatcha gonna do?

God says not to put false idols before Him. Following your govt. does not mean putting them before God.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I think that one is open to interpretation. The government wants people to worship the flag by saying the pledge.

I'm pretty sure the bible means you can only have the one god and none other. I would think that obeying your government would fall under worship. What if your government tells you to kill someone, thou shalt not kill, says god. Whatcha gonna do?
You aren't religiously worshiping the flag by saying the pledge (although some may disagree). It's an american tradition, and the government cannot force you to even say it. You can either participate or not.

Killing someone touches so many topics (chiefly morality) that it's hard to even answer your question. It creates a lot of debate as to whether or not there is justice involved. I personally do not think that we, as humans, have the right to take someone else's life. But if someone armed breaks into my house and is threatining my life I would act in self defense, and if killing becomes necessary I may have to do it. If you mean in war, I am not really in favor of that unless the battle is on my turf and is posing a threat to my survival. If the govt. asked me to kill innocent people (like Hitler), then I would not do it.


Well-Known Member
I don't trust the government nor do I trust anyone who encourages me to trust the government.
What exactly do you not trust? That if you dial 911, they won't send help to you? Or is it that they want too much of your money, and you don't agree with where it's going? Or all the crooked politicians and bullshit media you see on tv?


New Member
The government is a bunch of theiving liars. All politicians are for sale, it's just a matter of price. They don't give a damn about the general population, they only want to fatten their banks accounts.

Money makes Washinton go 'round.


New Member
We are told this is a democracy but it is really a capitolist society. The corporations run everything. The boys in the suits in Washinton are puppets.

We need to clamp down on the dishonesty in DC first.

All elected officials are subject to random unrine tests for drugs and alcohol. The tests will be performed twice per month, maybe more if we need amusing.

Stop paying elected officials when they retire. They can pay for Social Security like the rest of us.

It's time to put Washington on a way shorter leash.


Well-Known Member
Since this is for christians, I prolly shuddn't be on it, I am a heretic and damn proud of it.

Romans was written by a freakin reformed pharisee, so whaduya expect?

If CHRIST was all for the law, why did he speak against it so much? Even Jeremiah says the 'lying pen of the scribes' in reference to the law.

But I am a nihilistic gnostic, and I think that Yeshua was trying to SAVE us from the very thing His worship came to be corrupted by.

And I quote the late and great Leonard Cohen.... "When they said 'repent' I wonder what they meant...."


Well-Known Member
In re: to the part about submitting to our government, i believe that it is God's will that we submit to the laws that our law makers put in place EXCEPT in the case where God's authority is usurped.

IMO in RE: to Cannabis on this topic: (and this is my opinion, however much i have weighted it on my heart. God will deal with me if I am sinning as will He with you) I believe that God gave us Cannabis to use, and useful it is. I believe that the Government is attempting to usurp the authority of God on behalf of capitalists by prohibiting and eradicating the plant. The blood is on their hands, not ours. We might face God in heaven for violating the law, but our lawmakers will face Him as well for leading the flock astray.