Aussie Growers Thread


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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I saw a doco on those guys last year or something. looked like they were living the dream until they got pretty popular and had to move manufacturing to the big smoke. price of success i spose
Yea, I think they lived outside Byron or similar and were doing it tough. But liked the lifestyle. Came up with this hive idea and made over a million on Go Found Me over night.. But then they had to make heaps of Great story.


Well-Known Member
I saw a doco on those guys last year or something. looked like they were living the dream until they got pretty popular and had to move manufacturing to the big smoke. price of success i spose
I don't think flow hive helps bees though. I'd be more inclined to build a hive. Either in a log or boxes.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I don't think flow hive helps bees though. I'd be more inclined to build a hive. Either in a log or boxes.
If you want honey then its the easiest way other wise you need a centrifugal thing and a oven thing (lots use an old fridge with an oven element and thermostat fitted I think) from the little I know of them. Plus all the protective gear and smokers etc etc.


Well-Known Member
flushing to night also going to be looking into a nutrient line that contains every thing withoit having to buy suplaments and sutch


Well-Known Member
flushing to night also going to be looking into a nutrient line that contains every thing withoit having to buy suplaments and sutch
Just having a look at this can you see where they recommend 80ml - 10L ?
Your using pretty much twice the amount of nutrient than you would if you used House and Garden so even though it’s cheaper to buy your not saving anything because your using so much more of the HyGen

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Just having a look at this can you see where they recommend 80ml - 10L ?
View attachment 4082067
Your using pretty much twice the amount of nutrient than you would if you used House and Garden so even though it’s cheaper to buy your not saving anything because your using so much more of the HyGen
View attachment 4082068
I mistake my number 3 for number 8 sometimes to lol


Well-Known Member
Just having a look at this can you see where they recommend 80ml - 10L ?
View attachment 4082067
Your using pretty much twice the amount of nutrient than you would if you used House and Garden so even though it’s cheaper to buy your not saving anything because your using so much more of the HyGen
View attachment 4082068
ye u where 100 percent right idk if got a long way to go but when i couldent wrap my head around it before imtried coco phing and stuff i thingk once i phosicly do it it makes sense but inthink im just going to get that hobbyiest bundle and follow the chart or i might go with gearol hydro but im 99 percent sure ill go with house and garden cuse iv never heard a bad word with em im also 100 percent sure my problems have stemmed from the coco drying out phy cam out at 5.7 and 3.6 ec so ill flushntjat to night shoukd of done it last night but every time inrun into a problems im never right the 1st time so i wanted 2 come up with a few more possabilitys but that was stupid 2 cuse eather way i would of had 2 flush is house and garden really that expensive i mean all things connsidred id don seem any more expensive tjan any other brand might give em a go for next round


Well-Known Member
ye u where 100 percent right idk if got a long way to go but when i couldent wrap my head around it before imtried coco phing and stuff i thingk once i phosicly do it it makes sense but inthink im just going to get that hobbyiest bundle and follow the chart or i might go with gearol hydro but im 99 percent sure ill go with house and garden cuse iv never heard a bad word with em im also 100 percent sure my problems have stemmed from the coco drying out phy cam out at 5.7 and 3.6 ec so ill flushntjat to night shoukd of done it last night but every time inrun into a problems im never right the 1st time so i wanted 2 come up with a few more possabilitys but that was stupid 2 cuse eather way i would of had 2 flush is house and garden really that expensive i mean all things connsidred id don seem any more expensive tjan any other brand might give em a go for next round
I don’t know anyone that gets everything right the first time and if someone tells you they do they’re pulling their dick,I’ve burnt the fuck out of more plants than you could imagine one round I literally burnt every leaf of every plant at week 5 made trimming easy but I wouldn’t recommend it lol.
Doesn’t matter what line you use study and follow the directions and watch how the plants react and adjust accordingly.H&G for me is too strong I only give a max of 2.5ml/L and only give that for 1 week,there’s no one size fits all miracle bottle out there it’s just trial and error


Well-Known Member
just had a real look at the house n garden chart seems really good valiu when youre using that little ill geve it a go ay
You still have to pay attention when making your mix you’ve got a E.C pen use the thing it takes seconds it’s just lazy not to check it.
All you need is the A+B,Amino,Drip Clean and if Roots Excel at first the other stuff you can do without


Well-Known Member
ye u where 100 percent right idk if got a long way to go but when i couldent wrap my head around it before imtried coco phing and stuff i thingk once i phosicly do it it makes sense but inthink im just going to get that hobbyiest bundle and follow the chart or i might go with gearol hydro but im 99 percent sure ill go with house and garden cuse iv never heard a bad word with em im also 100 percent sure my problems have stemmed from the coco drying out phy cam out at 5.7 and 3.6 ec so ill flushntjat to night shoukd of done it last night but every time inrun into a problems im never right the 1st time so i wanted 2 come up with a few more possabilitys but that was stupid 2 cuse eather way i would of had 2 flush is house and garden really that expensive i mean all things connsidred id don seem any more expensive tjan any other brand might give em a go for next round
Mate I’m not having a go at you but you’ve got plenty of time on your hands the only excuse for letting the coco dry out is laziness try to spend less time jerking off and on the forums and more time actually growing,get a routine sorted water at the same time everyday,spend half an hour keeping your tent clean etc don’t look for excuses for not doing something


Well-Known Member
lol i am lazy i need to grow up a bit n just do shit when it needs im not sure if i should get the silica or just finish the grow without it iv vot enough shit im not gunna use ay it seems to have gotten a little better or it hasent gotten worse i thing it being a silica thing the bigger the plant the more it will affect it idk im just gunna get thru this as best i can and get the what u sugested ill probly start getting that stuff so when next round starts ill have it


Well-Known Member
lol i am lazy i need to grow up a bit n just do shit when it needs im not sure if i should get the silica or just finish the grow without it iv vot enough shit im not gunna use ay it seems to have gotten a little better or it hasent gotten worse i thing it being a silica thing the bigger the plant the more it will affect it idk im just gunna get thru this as best i can and get the what u sugested ill probly start getting that stuff so when next round starts ill have it
The way I look at it is the plant starts off with 100 percentage points every time you don’t feed,overfeed,underfeed,any sort of stress or non optimal conditions your directly reducing yield it doesn’t matter if your using unicorns piss as a fertiliser it won’t do fuck all if you don’t actually water your plants. Everyone has said this to you but I’ll say it again get the basic shit sorted before you go worrying about anything else,the next 3 weeks are when you’ll make or break this grow your not in bad shape at the moment but if you don’t get on top of that salt buildup you won’t be having much of a harvest.