victims of feminism support thread

thank you.

too many people think that 'the big lie' was what hitler and goebbels perpetrated on the german people. it was actually what they told the german people that the jews were doing. they said jews caused WW1 and were trying to undo the german people, it led them to justify their genocide of the jews to themselves eventually.

take note, @cannabineer

Malt was not agreeing with you; he was contradicting you. The fact that you didn't understand that suggests you need to read up on the Big Lie and the other ways the Nazis demonized Jews. As a Jew yourself, I would have imagined you'd be thoroughly repelled from using your avowed enemy's tactics.

Your demonstrated lack of reading comprehension explains how you read GWN's clumsy political opinions as racism and thought I was calling you a Nazi.
Another ad hominem attack by you to divert from the fact that you owe dia and cn money.
Would you care to answer the question he refuses to?

Ya know, it is truly ironic that you can accuse me of ad hominem attacks but the morally-superior-high-and-mighty bear can call me a thief. You had no part in the financial dealing between he and I and had no part in my dealings with dia. Your conversations with me were limited to complaining about him nailing your hubby and complaints that some of the material he sent me were stolen (yes, stolen) from you for his own personal gain. So tell me, who is the thief?

Or just insult my shoes.

Done with you all.
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he really contradicted me by confirming exactly what i was saying when i corrected you.

boy is my face red.

maybe you should defend more racists by calling jews liars.
In retrospect, the only true thing he probably ever told me was that he "was a horrible person". Malignant narcissism is so hot right now.
shamelessness and depravity rule the day right now.

oh, and also, your shoes suck
Lol. I like my moccasins. L. L. Bean classics. They have no odor btw, that must have been the ass-wipe that dia couldn't flush down her trailer's loo and had to keep in a wastebasket.


That weird cat looks like a wet hippo.

Women are right to bitch. They are underrepresented in board rooms and such. I remember being in a meeting and a woman was there and she ideas and such. Good ones too. Ideas we would have never thought of. Probably because she was a girl and thinks a little different.

So It is good to have a different approach sometimes.

Just my 2 cents.
If it's any consolation, you're not the only one. Seems like a lot of people are angry these days.
Hell, I've said things I regret.

I am yelling at my TV at this very moment while the orange turd spews BS -- live. :finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
Kinda makes me want to pick a fight just to let off steam... :dunce:
This thread is in place for people whom have been affected by Feminism. I posted a Feminism-related answer and AbandonConflict is instigating. I would rather have NOT posted if this is the kind of mentality that the world is working with.
Who not whom, the members are the subject of your sentence not the object.
Would you care to answer the question he refuses to?

Ya know, it is truly ironic that you can accuse me of ad hominem attacks but the morally-superior-high-and-mighty bear can call me a thief. You had no part in the financial dealing between he and I and had no part in my dealings with dia. Your conversations with me were limited to complaining about him nailing your hubby and complaints that some of the material he sent me were stolen (yes, stolen) from you for his own personal gain. So tell me, who is the thief?

Or just insult my shoes.

Done with you all.
Surprise, another ad hominem attack, pay cn and dia the money you owe them.
he really contradicted me by confirming exactly what i was saying when i corrected you.

boy is my face red.

maybe you should defend more racists by calling jews liars.

You are equating my telling you that as a Jew, you should know your history - with my being an antisemite. Perhaps your buddy Baldrick can explain to you where the Big Lie came from.
You are equating my telling you that as a Jew, you should know your history - with my being an antisemite. Perhaps your buddy Baldrick can explain to you where the Big Lie came from.
never said you were an anti-semite, i said you got your history wrong. because you did.