The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

tRUmp and the GOP might be trying to destroy the federal government on behalf of the super rich and using the book " The Sovereign Individual " as their manifesto.
What it did was to lay out how far, and how deep, the russians efforts to prop up trump and hurt clinton went. While no americans were charged in these indictments, there are footnotes that say there are others known to the grand jury, so they are likely buried in indictments to come.

Nobody can now say (with any credibility) that there was no russian influence in our elections. Watch congress do nothing however.

This was a preemptive strike against the white house. It makes firing rosenstein or muehler much more difficult. They didn't indict americans to keep the politics to us vs them.

Very smart. Now the focus is on the wh and treasury dept for not implementing sanctions......

Thewre is a related plea agreement against an american who was charged with one count of identity theft. But it wasn't part of the announcement.

trump and the magamorons will still deny.
What it did was to lay out how far, and how deep, the russians efforts to prop up trump and hurt clinton went. While no americans were charged in these indictments, there are footnotes that say there are others known to the grand jury, so they are likely buried in indictments to come.

Nobody can now say (with any credibility) that there was no russian influence in our elections. Watch congress do nothing however.

This was a preemptive strike against the white house. It makes firing rosenstein or muehler much more difficult. They didn't indict americans to keep the politics to us vs them.

Very smart. Now the focus is on the wh and treasury dept for not implementing sanctions......

Thewre is a related plea agreement against an american who was charged with one count of identity theft. But it wasn't part of the announcement.
Trump sure is nervous about something, I figure he's in it up to his eyeballs and conspiracy with the russians can be proved several different ways. He's been freaking out, obstructing justice, obsessing about Mueller, doing and saying stupid things that only someone guilty as Hell would do. Trump didn't want to win, just lose in a close election to enhance his brand and shake loose some fresh possibilities and profits. He has all kinds of russian connections, is compromised and knows it and is a puppet of Moscow, it's obvious and the russians aren't even trying to hide it much. Vlad knows the jig is up and is milking it, he might even release the compromate they have on Trump one day, to really rub it in, Vlad is proud of this one, he ordered it and it succeeded beyond his wildest imagination, too well in fact.

Trump is squirming for a reason, he's guilty and sloppy too, Mueller is coming at him fast and hard. Reality is catching up and it's gonna grab Donald by the collar and slap him around the ears until he comes around. I figure Mitch and Paul are gonna be spectators for a spell, like everybody else, they are gonna let Mueller do Donald for them and so are we.
Trump sure is nervous about something, I figure he's in it up to his eyeballs and conspiracy with the russians can be proved several different ways. He's been freaking out, obstructing justice, obsessing about Mueller, doing and saying stupid things that only someone guilty as Hell would do. Trump didn't want to win, just lose in a close election to enhance his brand and shake loose some fresh possibilities and profits. He has all kinds of russian connections, is compromised and knows it and is a puppet of Moscow, it's obvious and the russians aren't even trying to hide it much. Vlad knows the jig is up and is milking it, he might even release the compromate they have on Trump one day, to really rub it in, Vlad is proud of this one, he ordered it and it succeeded beyond his wildest imagination, too well in fact.

Trump is squirming for a reason, he's guilty and sloppy too, Mueller is coming at him fast and hard. Reality is catching up and it's gonna grab Donald by the collar and slap him around the ears until he comes around. I figure Mitch and Paul are gonna be spectators for a spell, like everybody else, they are gonna let Mueller do Donald for them and so are we.

The one thing to watch for is pence's resignation. The gop will want a clean vp in place before trump resigns. Then the new president can pardon them free and clear. They will only be able to do this while they control the senate, so if they are going to hit silk, it has to be soon otherwise it will be square in the middle of the mid terms.

It won't shield them from state charges, but a treason charge not something you want hanging over your head.

If they decide to fight, it will get ugly, but the russians may not give trump a choice. Some people fear them more than jail or poverty.
Russian Indictments = 13
American Indictments = 2
American Convictions = 2

Go Bob Go !!!!!!

EDIT: @DIY-HP-LED only 983 to go :bigjoint:
We're early into the game and by all accounts it's moving at a lighting pace compared to other such investigations. These dumb cunts texted and emailed a treasonous conspiracy for fuck sakes, we've all read the Don Jr emails, how fucking stupid do you have to be to do something like that! This is easy pickings for a guy like Mueller.
We're early into the game and by all accounts it's moving at a lighting pace compared to other such investigations. These dumb cunts texted and emailed a treasonous conspiracy for fuck sakes, we've all read the Don Jr emails, how fucking stupid do you have to be to do something like that! This is easy pickings for a guy like Mueller.

i agree, anyone with half a brain can see what is happening. bannon already told trump mueller would get him for money laundering at a minimum.
American Convictions = 2

Go Bob Go !!!!!!

EDIT: @DIY-HP-LED only 983 to go :bigjoint:

You missed one, there was a guilty plea today to a banker charged with a single count of identity fraud. He was an american.

Technically, they aren't convictions, they pleaded guilty, but the judge hasn't passed sentence yet. That will come later. After muehler has gotten what he needs and the terms of their plea deal have been met.
You missed one, there was a guilty plea today to a banker charged with a single count of identity fraud. He was an american.

Technically, they aren't convictions, they pleaded guilty, but the judge hasn't passed sentence yet. That will come later. After muehler has gotten what he needs and the terms of their plea deal have been met.

yea, i forgot about him. thanks
Looks like Mitt is hoping to be a thumbs down on Donald in the senate this fall. I wouldn't count on Mitt to protect Trump or vote against impeachment either. I figure Trump will be gone before Mitt shows up in the senate.
Once Mueller starts it's gonna be quick, and today was the opening salvo and what salvo it was too, the detail is stunning. Trump is gonna shit when he realises the other parts of the case concerning him are gonna be even stronger and more detailed. I figure there is lots more to come and some of it is gonna come quick, enough to secure Rosenstein and Mueller's tenure until they fuck Trump. This will go on for a long time to come, assholes are gonna be going to jail for years to come over this business
Once Mueller starts it's gonna be quick, and today was the opening salvo and what salvo it was too, the detail is stunning. Trump is gonna shit when he realises the other parts of the case concerning him are gonna be even stronger and more detailed. I figure there is lots more to come and some of it is gonna come quick, enough to secure Rosenstein and Mueller's tenure until they fuck Trump. This will go on for a long time to come, assholes are gonna be going to jail for years to come over this business

Muehler dropped more mcnuggets tonight. It turns out he told the court in mannaforts case that he would be adding more charges dealing with committing bank fraud and conspiring to commit bank fraud. He also said the fraud kind of negates the collateral he is posting, because he is gonna get foreclosed on it. woops. More home time.

Mannafort was trumps business partner, and they worked on several proojects together. He had a high visibility position trumps org.

Doesn't take a crystal ball to connect those dots to see a conspiracy.
If Trump goes down over conspiracy or worse related to the election, would that make his election invalid? Would that make the things his appointments do invalid? Thinking of justice Dept., new judges and DAs.. Seems their cases wouldn't hold up, which brings up reimbursement and damages and retrial. How much would that cost the sheeple?