Well, assuming you have never tried meds within the 90%+ range via your ask, it is actually light years different. if you have, you didn't and were lied to

. There are far more ways than a chromatography column to filter, thus my question to see what the community has tried with success as simple agents in the funnel. I have had many numerous educated discussions on far deeper molecular breakdowns with members here so please don't sell this community short just b/c you aren't doing it. Filter paper #1 is usually bleached and #2 does not filter anything other than solid plant materials and up to whatever grade (micron size you select for your filter paper) particles won't fit through, thats it. Filtering agents capture unseen to the eye fats, lipids, compounds used to remove chlorophyll, solvent residues stuck to carbons, etc.. To each their own, but ill keep my exact molecular breakdown I desire, you my friend enjoy smoking fats, lipids and 20%+
(Cause your def not touching above 80% without distilling, crystal forming, or multiple runs of filter agent/Chrom tubes) worth of worthless and potential harmful unknowns. the extra 15-20%* difference (lol @ your thought of 5% dif, thats cute) is truly worth it.