Where Do You Go When You Die?

seems the title is a little misleading. no evidence of higher brain function but NDE's show that we can return to our bodies for a short time after we leave.could be we enter a dream state similar to non-REM dreams that is shaped by our beliefs and life experience
“People who have consumed ayahuasca report having spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight into how to be the best person they possibly can.[39] This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what is often described as a rebirth.[40] In addition, it is often reported that individuals feel they gain access to higher spiritual dimensions and make contact with various spiritual or extra-dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers.[41]
Where is consciousness located? In our brains? I've read that this question is really not resolved in modern medicine.
We have a pretty good idea of what the processes are in the brain. We know where emotions, aggression, memory, etc., come from. We do not know the exact processes of consciousness but that doesn't mean we should substitute "I don't know" for something supernatural if that's what you're suggesting.
We have a pretty good idea of what the processes are in the brain. We know where emotions, aggression, memory, etc., come from. We do not know the exact processes of consciousness but that doesn't mean we should substitute "I don't know" for something supernatural if that's what you're suggesting.
I would not suggest that our lack of understanding consciousness proves anything. I would say that it allows for the possibility of the supernatural, and it is curious that we do not understand it better. It does give me hope, I suppose. But ultimately it may mean nothing.
I would not suggest that our lack of understanding consciousness proves anything. I would say that it allows for the possibility of the supernatural, and it is curious that we do not understand it better. It does give me hope, I suppose. But ultimately it may mean nothing.

I'm not suggesting our lack of consciousness proves anything.

How does anything leave room for the supernatural? Name one thing, anything, that's been proven to be supernatural and you might have a case for allowing the possibility for the supernatural.
Drink Ayahuasca. It will show you.

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I met a guy who went south and did the whole ayahuasca deal and he kept going on about how everything is dmt how it's in every grain of the universe he was obsessed with the notion of dmt. I just kept nodding my head and saying oh yeah, that right. Even after this profound awakening he could not see the unimportance of all things.
I met a guy who went south and did the whole ayahuasca deal and he kept going on about how everything is dmt how it's in every grain of the universe he was obsessed with the notion of dmt. I just kept nodding my head and saying oh yeah, that right. Even after this profound awakening he could not see the unimportance of all things.
Everything’s sacred, and nothing is sacred. We’re all God—everything is—so how could it be important? Nondualism means everything is not-two. When you realize how eternal you are, you have only eternity to cope with.
I'm not suggesting our lack of consciousness proves anything.

How does anything leave room for the supernatural? Name one thing, anything, that's been proven to be supernatural and you might have a case for allowing the possibility for the supernatural.
The interaction between consciousness and wave/particle duality in quantum physics suggests that the very fabric of our universe may be consciousness. Prior to breakthroughs in this area, this type of relationship would perhaps be thought of as supernatural.
The interaction between consciousness and wave/particle duality in quantum physics suggests that the very fabric of our universe may be consciousness. Prior to breakthroughs in this area, this type of relationship would perhaps be thought of as supernatural.
Everything came from nothing, according to science. Nothing collapsed in on itself, exploded and expanded, creating everything. Seems like nothing is pretty damned important.

Shiva is not the Destroyer.
Shiva is the Transformer.
Shiva is the Unmanifest,
in which all possibilities that can exist do exist.




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The collision
Why does a big bang have to be a beginning? Paul Steinhardt and collaborators propose that there are bangs bangin’ all the time, as our universe rattles around in a fifth dimension (whoa) our puny minds cannot even perceive. All of space and time as we know it sits on a four-dimensional surface called a brane. Sometimes it collides with another universe’s brane, and the smash creates bursts of energy we know as the big bang—energy still detectable as cosmic background radiation. As the universes move farther and farther apart in the fifth dimension, our cosmos expands. The cycles of collision and separation go on forever in a psychedelic dance. Many cosmologists don’t think we’ll ever find proof of this fifth dimension, but the idea that the big bang isn’t the real beginning has no end in sight.”

The thing in which all those dimensions exist is an over dimension not subject to space, time, or any physical laws. Everything just exists in nonexistence. Oh, and it’s conscious & intelligent, and that conscious intelligence expands into this and all dimensions, to include in us.
The interaction between consciousness and wave/particle duality in quantum physics suggests that the very fabric of our universe may be consciousness. Prior to breakthroughs in this area, this type of relationship would perhaps be thought of as supernatural.
Sounds suspect.

Who or what organization is saying the universe itself is consciousness?
Sounds suspect.

Who or what organization is saying the universe itself is consciousness?
Science asserts intelligent design. Something’s guiding evolution. This is Hindu/Sramanic/Vedic/Buddhist/Jain/Sikh thought since at least 2,800 BCE. They knew about atoms back then, and had a deep understanding of astrology, metallurgy, quantum physics, and generally, much of what modern and post-modern science is rediscovering after writing it off as either heresy or nonsense. This school of thought also is the basis for modern psychology. Psyche means soul. The Study of the Soul.