Oregon Elite Seeds

Just logged into my account and yes this is still happening. Anyone here from Minnesota? Because I may have your account information. Wonder who has mine?... This is definitely a problem!! Because while I wouldn't do anything with that information, other people might. @OregonEliteSeeds you need to fix this!!!

So you must be one of the few? Lmao

Toby if you cared, you would not be apologizing rigjt now, you would be taking you site down and fixing everything.

Instead you are about that money and that' all you care about, so you act like it is no big deal like you do here. When this is a huge deal and you ignored this till it is now an issue.

Your gambling with people' freedom here and it seems instead of doing the right thing, you pass the buck and act as if this is a tiny mistake and your "sorry" but gonna keep selling and sharing private info in the meantime? Lmao

You all are some damn fools to keep supporting a guy who cares nothing about your security! Well enouh to say "sorry" but not nuke the issue. Lmao!

True colors are showing......

To many post here where you ignore these same issues with the site people where having but, replied to comments in between issues to sell yourself. You ignored this website info issues in this thread right here and then act like you just found out recently. Lol
If you read it has been taken care of and it was only a handful of ppl. I don’t know what happened or why it happened I’m not a computer tech
So you must be one of the few? Lmao

Toby if you cared, you would not be apologizing rigjt now, you would be taking you site down and fixing everything.

Instead you are about that money and that' all you care about, so you act like it is no big deal like you do here. When this is a huge deal and you ignored this till it is now an issue.

Your gambling with people' freedom here and it seems instead of doing the right thing, you pass the buck and act as if this is a tiny mistake and your "sorry" but gonna keep selling and sharing private info in the meantime? Lmao

You all are some damn fools to keep supporting a guy who cares nothing about your security! Well enouh to say "sorry" but not nuke the issue. Lmao!

True colors are showing......

To many post here where you ignore these same issues with the site people where having but, replied to comments in between issues to sell yourself. You ignored this website info issues in this thread right here and then act like you just found out recently. Lol
Why would you say I don’t care about the issue for one I care about everybody’s information nobody is trying to pass the buck to anybody I have hired people I have paid for websites to be design issues happen this is something I have no control over I am very sorry that’s all I can say. As far as we know the situation has been corrected
i have to speak to my tech people on what happened, I do not know why it did that. when it comes to emails it seems people email old email accounts that is why i now offer the 800 #
Since you dont appear to be very tech saavy, I put invisible links in my email from a third party that tells me if the email has been read or not and some of the emails that I sent TO THE CORRECT EMAIL were read. Don't lie and try to make it out like it was other peoples faults sending emails to the wrong address.

Again, I apologize for not correcting this as soon as it was brought to our intention. We are putting the procedures in place so that communication is not an issue in the future.

If you are seeing these issues with your account please contact me at this number by call or text and I'll have it manually resolved for you.

P: 1-855-637-7333

Why did you bypass all the comments and concerns posted on here regarding our personal info issues and the security issue with the site? It was brought to your attention by multiple people on here, but yet you looked right past it to comment about reward programs and your new 1800 number. It wasnt until you got pressed and put on blast before you responded or acted to take action. That tells me a lot about you, your business practices, and your character. You cant be trusted, you see profit over security and anyone who deals with you now is a complete fool and has been warned. :peace:
I do not read the emails any longer I hired somebody else to read them for me and there’s everything is panning out it looks like they have not been doing their job nobody’s trying to pass the blame on anybody this is my company I’m 100% at fault This is also not a continuance situation it occurred when we did the transfer over it was only for orders placed in a few day time span
Since you dont appear to be very tech saavy, I put invisible links in my email from a third party that tells me if the email has been read or not and some of the emails that I sent TO THE CORRECT EMAIL were read. Don't lie and try to make it out like it was other peoples faults sending emails to the wrong address.

Why did you bypass all the comments and concerns posted on here regarding our personal info issues and the security issue with the site? It was brought to your attention by multiple people on here, but yet you looked right past it to comment about reward programs and your new 1800 number. It wasnt until you got pressed and put on blast before you responded or acted to take action. That tells me a lot about you, your business practices, and your character. You cant be trusted, you see profit over security and anyone who deals with you now is a complete fool and has been warned. :peace:
Nobody completely missed nothing I have not been on here for quite some time as you see I’m going through here answering stuff now
Nobody completely missed nothing I have not been on here for quite some time as you see I’m going through here answering stuff now
You lie. You completely bypassed over the concerns on here regarding private info issues and it is on here for everyone to see right now.
Post #4053 (page 203 of this thread) was made on March 12, 2018 stating the issue with private info. (multiple posts regarding this same issue followed)
Post #4056 (page 203 of this thread) was made on March 12, 2018 stating the same issue with private info.
Post #4066 (page 204 of this thread) you posted March 19, 2018 and you responded to everything but the issues with security and personal info.
Post #4075 & 4076 (page 204 of this thread) you posted on March 21, 2018 and again you respond to everything but the security issues & personal info.
Post #4084 (page 205 of this thread) you posted on April 5, 2018....and you still didnt address the security issues or personal info concerns.
Post #4085 (page 205 of this thread) you posted on April 11, 2018....still nothing regarding multiple posted concerns about private info and site security.
Post #4087 & #4088 (page 205 of this page) you posted on April 12, 2018 and again,nothing addressing the private info and security issues.

It wasnt until my post putting you on blast April 14, 2018 that you pretend to give a shit. Im not stupid and neither are the folks in this thread so you can quit with the simpleton act. Everything is here in plain sight with time stamps for all to see. Dont act like you didnt see those comments, tags or notifications from those multiple posts. So please tell me again how you didnt see ANY of this??
Hi guys,

First of all I want to say that we apologize for not getting back to you. We get a high volume of emails that we are working on a new system for, so that we won't miss any inquiries like these in the future.

As for the glitch of seeing someone else's orders, this effected a small portion of users with pending orders when we moved to our new website. We have approximately 6000 users

After each order was fulfilled and each user reset their password to log in, the information should be deleted.

At OES we don't access your personal accounts so there is no way for us to see this as an on going issue.

Again, I apologize for not correcting this as soon as it was brought to our intention. We are putting the procedures in place so that communication is not an issue in the future.

If you are seeing these issues with your account please contact me at this number by call or text and I'll have it manually resolved for you.

P: 1-855-637-7333

This is bullshit. I do web development. You clearly have a database issue. When you updated the website, someone screwed up, and your user ID tables are no longer matching up with your customer information table. This means everyone is getting someone else’s customer information unless it’s a new account. There’s no conceivable way that I can come up with that this could only affect some of your users. It’s all users or none of them.

Additionally, this should’ve been easy to catch in development. Anyone doing web development should be running a local server with fake test data so you can ensure everything is running correctly. You probably would’ve found a small typo somewhere that was causing the database table mismatches. It’s probably as simple and small as that, but without test data it’s hard to catch.

Instead, you’ve let things get further fucked by letting users replace other users information when they logged in. So now some users info is correct, and some are incorrect but you can’t tell which ones. As soon as you were alerted to the bug, you should’ve just taken down the site, identified the bug and fixed it.

Now, the best thing to do would be to wipe your databases, and make everyone create new accounts. I’m sure you don’t want to do that because you’ll lose your email lists. Plus, since you’ve been letting your broken website run for over a month, I’m sure you have quite a few pending orders that won’t be fulfilled with a complete database wipe.

Seriously, the site shouldn’t have gone up broken. It should’ve been fixed as soon as an issue was brought up. You shouldn’t have accepted orders until it was fixed.

And stop acting like people not being able to contact you is anything but your fault.
This is bullshit. I do web development. You clearly have a database issue. When you updated the website, someone screwed up, and your user ID tables are no longer matching up with your customer information table. This means everyone is getting someone else’s customer information unless it’s a new account. There’s no conceivable way that I can come up with that this could only affect some of your users. It’s all users or none of them.

Additionally, this should’ve been easy to catch in development. Anyone doing web development should be running a local server with fake test data so you can ensure everything is running correctly. You probably would’ve found a small typo somewhere that was causing the database table mismatches. It’s probably as simple and small as that, but without test data it’s hard to catch.

Instead, you’ve let things get further fucked by letting users replace other users information when they logged in. So now some users info is correct, and some are incorrect but you can’t tell which ones. As soon as you were alerted to the bug, you should’ve just taken down the site, identified the bug and fixed it.

Now, the best thing to do would be to wipe your databases, and make everyone create new accounts. I’m sure you don’t want to do that because you’ll lose your email lists. Plus, since you’ve been letting your broken website run for over a month, I’m sure you have quite a few pending orders that won’t be fulfilled with a complete database wipe.

Seriously, the site shouldn’t have gone up broken. It should’ve been fixed as soon as an issue was brought up. You shouldn’t have accepted orders until it was fixed.

And stop acting like people not being able to contact you is anything but your fault.
Like I said I’m not a web tech as you can see it was not my fault and I’m doing everything I can to fix it
Like I said I’m not a web tech as you can see it was not my fault and I’m doing everything I can to fix it

It’s your company it’s your fault.

You said it’s only affected a small number of users. I can say with near guarantee that is not true.

The issue was alerted to you over a month ago and you fucking ignored it.

It’s absolutely your fault, and you’re clearly not doing everything you can to fix it. You just ignored it and are now lying about the extent of the issue.
It’s your company it’s your fault.

You said it’s only affected a small number of users. I can say with near guarantee that is not true.

The issue was alerted to you over a month ago and you fucking ignored it.

It’s absolutely your fault, and you’re clearly not doing everything you can to fix it. You just ignored it and are now lying about the extent of the issue.
If any emails were ignored I do apologize like I said I hired somebody to answer emails and phone calls it looks like they were not on top of things I have done and I am doing everything I can do With this situation
If any emails were ignored I do apologize like I said I hired somebody to answer emails and phone calls it looks like they were not on top of things I have done and I am doing everything I can do With this situation
This still doesnt explain why you ignored everyone on this thread? First its "I hired someone to check emails" now its "I hired someone to check emails and answer the phone calls". What next, you had someone on RIU that was supposed to address this and didnt? You are running out of excuses and people to blame.
This still doesnt explain why you ignored everyone on this thread? First its "I hired someone to check emails" now its "I hired someone to check emails and answer the phone calls". What next, you had someone on RIU that was supposed to address this and didnt? You are running out of excuses and people to blame.
You must not read pretty good like I said I have not been on here for a while and I just logged on the other day i’m here answering questions now so nothing is trying to be ignored like I said I’m doing everything I can to correct what occurred and to insure that it doesn’t happen again. edit should say you must have not read pretty good
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You must not read pretty good like I said I have not been on here for a while and I just logged on the other day i’m here answering questions now so nothing is trying to be ignored like I said I’m doing everything I can to correct what occurred and to insure that it doesn’t happen again.

Im done being cordial -Fuck you pal. You got some nerve to say I must not read good. I literally posted every comment you made **AFTER** the personal info issues were brought to light in this thread....and you blatantly ignored them. Here, I'll even post it again since it is YOUR reading comprehension that should be in question here. Check the timelines and responses if you dont believe me.
You lie. You completely bypassed over the concerns on here regarding private info issues and it is on here for everyone to see right now.
Post #4053 (page 203 of this thread) was made on March 12, 2018 stating the issue with private info. (multiple posts regarding this same issue followed)
Post #4056 (page 203 of this thread) was made on March 12, 2018 stating the same issue with private info.
Post #4066 (page 204 of this thread) you posted March 19, 2018 and you responded to everything but the issues with security and personal info.
Post #4075 & 4076 (page 204 of this thread) you posted on March 21, 2018 and again you respond to everything but the security issues & personal info.
Post #4084 (page 205 of this thread) you posted on April 5, 2018....and you still didnt address the security issues or personal info concerns.
Post #4085 (page 205 of this thread) you posted on April 11, 2018....still nothing regarding multiple posted concerns about private info and site security.
Post #4087 & #4088 (page 205 of this page) you posted on April 12, 2018 and again,nothing addressing the private info and security issues.

It wasnt until my post putting you on blast April 14, 2018 that you pretend to give a shit. Im not stupid and neither are the folks in this thread so you can quit with the simpleton act. Everything is here in plain sight with time stamps for all to see. Dont act like you didnt see those comments, tags or notifications from those multiple posts. So please tell me again how you didnt see ANY of this??
But you havent been here and just logged on the other day is the excuse huh? So answer this question since thats what you say you are here doing now -why didn't you address the issue or remedy it when it was brought to your attention a month ago??
Im done being cordial -Fuck you pal. You got some nerve to say I must not read good. I literally posted every comment you made **AFTER** the personal info issues were brought to light in this thread....and you blatantly ignored them. Here, I'll even post it again since it is YOUR reading comprehension that should be in question here. Check the timelines and responses if you dont believe me.

But you havent been here and just logged on the other day is the excuse huh? So answer this question since thats what you say you are here doing now -why didn't you address the issue or remedy it when it was brought to your attention a month ago??

i am with you.

you clearly posted concerns that he must have decided not to read, as he has logged on and just not addressed your posts at all.

he's killing his business right now and i guess he doesn't care.

Why would you say I don’t care about the issue for one I care about everybody’s information nobody is trying to pass the buck to anybody I have hired people I have paid for websites to be design issues happen this is something I have no control over I am very sorry that’s all I can say. As far as we know the situation has been corrected

I say that because you ignored post here in this thread to the issues at hand. You care about money and anyone who cannot see you care about Gator shoes and not anyones security deserves to have there identity in some e else account. You never once have taken the site down. You know, the site that you improved so it makes you more money but, is "for us". That site never once was taken down. Your a shitty dude and I can't wait till we cross paths.

Oh and it is your fault because you own the site and never once cared enough to test it before hand nor did you take the site down, for even one second, when you were made away of the issues. You just lied about it all. It is here in this thread as proof.

You must be 30 years old or younger to not know how this is your fault. Lol

Millennial much? Lmao

You want to be the owner when you are getting paid but it is not your fault when something goes wrong? Lmao! What a dick!
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