Lol, you think you can reliably test purity by the color of the smoke?
Hash in Europe is shit, bro, with the exception of Amsterdam.
This is a long established fact, especially the cheap Moroccan shit you can get in Spain or Portugal. It's only bought because it's cheap in comparison to bud.
I've loads of (stoner) friends in Europe and have been there many times myself.
Yes well Im sure your like the other poster here that got crap and thinks dirty moroccan farmers, no different then a euro going to murica and getting sold pot with rat tirds and full of seeds or worst. Does this mean this euro wouldnt be able to get killah bud if he had right hookups?
I rest my case, you have no clue what your tlaking about, real hash is found in europe, I said it again, they suck at wax, your good at wax, they are good at hash and you suck at hash. End of story
I not only visit or have "friends" that visit
I was with the ones that had the fire end of story
You base your opinion which is just that a subjective opinion of your breif stay, i lived there know the whole area and know the facts.
Just cause you got crap doesnt mean those in the know did too.
And yes purity test is based of smoke color and smell and amber not just color
Im tired of arguing with n00bs, old school californians still make hash like euros, they wouldnt argue, obviously you must be some mileneal, im old school kid, dont go there, especially on teh hashish.
Hash in my avatar that looks like a tird you claim right? Its the best you can find in spain and you yes you wont show me shit in american that can surpass it even made from Ghost OG, cause you cant
And if you knew anything Amsterdar is full of comercial hash genious, the morrocan hash in amsterdam can be found in spain cheaper, or do yo unot realize it takes less then an hour to reach morrocco from south spain? Dont talk out of your ass plz. And the best morroccan is flooding spain, by the time it reaches amsterdam it goes up in price.
Yet again clueless, hash doesnt get cut in spain, nor would I think you even knew considering you dont know proper purity test procedure. By the time hash reaches north it gets cut, in portugal and spain it doesnt get cut, your getting the best of all grade which is same as amsterdam and cheaper. End of story dont debate me on this, your a tourist through word of mouth, I had the hookups