Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Allready have my ls all I need now after ringing him back is for him 2 put my paperwork threw the system n get called with atime for theleeson out of my hands wentin n said2 mum idk how long this is gunna take im fuken keen 4 this job best opportunity iv ever had mum got the shits so bad when I said maybie ill just pay fuck it I cant handle not knowing ifIits gunna be 2 day or 3 months if I pay I garrentee I can find one for the next day but she really knows how to put me down and make me feel dumb


Well-Known Member
Allready have my ls all I need now after ringing him back is for him 2 put my paperwork threw the system n get called with atime for theleeson out of my hands wentin n said2 mum idk how long this is gunna take im fuken keen 4 this job best opportunity iv ever had mum got the shits so bad when I said maybie ill just pay fuck it I cant handle not knowing ifIits gunna be 2 day or 3 months if I pay I garrentee I can find one for the next day but she really knows how to put me down and make me feel dumb
Is the job opportunity not going to be around for long? You can always find another that's for sure.. Not that you shouldn't try all you can to get it but if you don't have the $ to pay for the lessons privately just hold out a couple weeks and old mate will get you in I'm sure. Its in his best interest that he gets you in the car asap so unless he's booked out for a long time (did you ask him if he's booked out and how long the process usually takes?)

Old girls are funny man you've just got to be the real adult and work with their silly old ways haha. They get more crazy as they age


Well-Known Member
If you could would you run coco outdoors? Why organic outdoors?

Nice healthy ones you've got there gigz well done :)
I would if I was just doing a couple of small ones for seed but I wouldn’t do a full term big plant in coco.
Volume,you need a certain volume of soil to get the microbiology levels high enough to fully fire an organic system and unless you have plenty of room or don’t mind not utilising your space properly indoors you won’t have enough and I don’t see the point in growing in soil and using salts.
Organic outdoors is a no brainer for me,you won’t get healthier,tastier and more potent pot than you do from well grown organic soil in my view.
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Well-Known Member
I said 600 cuse its kinda in the name lol I think he puts my shit in tje system and tjeres a few drivers tjat can choose what jobs its called keys 2 drive im just really desprate for this job I wanna have mony for stuff so fuking sick of the dole lifestyle no moneey n shit


Well-Known Member
And in regards 2 the old girl situation iv never been told I can do it allwaysn beenbeen told why ill fail alot of shit is starting 2 hit me realising alot about my upbringing I think my mum gets of on it if I im being honest she allways seems happfor me 2 never habe ago yet she sits there saying how shes scared im gunna kill my self pushes me 2 go to tjerapy then when I started getting benifeted tjeres was reason after bullshit reason why she couldent take me that we ek idk fuck going out and fuck thet therapist if I go back I think im not gunna botther controlling my self manipulated into seeing a drug and alcahole counseler dident even no till he mentioned it I feel like no matter what I wanna do I allways cop whyd u wanna do that foe like om so fuken over feeling like thay can force me 2 do shit n stand over me last ti e I brought up how cool it wouod be 2 win lotto I bassocly got told ot would be taken out of my hands so I dont have any controll over it some times I feel like just topping myself all I wantmis 2 learn from my mistakes n feeel like an adult n feel like im in charge of my life not a kid getting over it all its like thay dont actually listen 2 how I feel or care

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I would if I was just doing a couple of small ones for seed but I wouldn’t do a full term big plant in coco.
Volume,you need a certain volume of soil to get the microbiology levels high enough to fully fire an organic system and unless you have plenty of room or don’t mind not utilising your space properly indoors you won’t have enough and I don’t see the point in growing in soil and using salts.
Organic outdoors is a no brainer for me,you won’t get healthier,tastier and more potent pot than you do from well grown organic soil in my view.
That's why my mates around town know when a smoke from rubes is being passed around...something to do with taste separates mine from a lot of weed soil mix kicks arse

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
And in regards 2 the old girl situation iv never been told I can do it allwaysn beenbeen told why ill fail alot of shit is starting 2 hit me realising alot about my upbringing I think my mum gets of on it if I im being honest she allways seems happfor me 2 never habe ago yet she sits there saying how shes scared im gunna kill my self pushes me 2 go to tjerapy then when I started getting benifeted tjeres was reason after bullshit reason why she couldent take me that we ek idk fuck going out and fuck thet therapist if I go back I think im not gunna botther controlling my self manipulated into seeing a drug and alcahole counseler dident even no till he mentioned it I feel like no matter what I wanna do I allways cop whyd u wanna do that foe like om so fuken over feeling like thay can force me 2 do shit n stand over me last ti e I brought up how cool it wouod be 2 win lotto I bassocly got told ot would be taken out of my hands so I dont have any controll over it some times I feel like just topping myself all I wantmis 2 learn from my mistakes n feeel like an adult n feel like im in charge of my life not a kid getting over it all its like thay dont actually listen 2 how I feel or care
U know wat ? I know exactly eat your saying I've seen it in front of my eyes and had to stand up to the parent so the kid could catch a break..
If she' negative all the time she aint yer mum.
Shes a fucken narcissist

Sounds like shes the only one she thinks of and comes first


Well-Known Member
coco can still be tasty tho right and good enough just soil is better yes im stiking with coco inddoors simp, er and easier soil out door


Well-Known Member
dont get me wrong I know my mum loves me she raised uss all by herself allways put food on tje table n shitbut n I take my jad off like every time ov thougjt o mthougjt about getting this job its shenstresses out whyndo u wanna do tjat ur gunna lose themjob n u wont be able 2 get back on center link shes never encouraged me 2 do any thing shes allways the 1st to say no tjat I cant do something and why like tje one or 2 times shes seaid u can do it I xan see right tjrww it so I feel like I have 2 avoid people now just bwing aware some ones in the kitchen wirh is out from my room ill almost pissmeself teyna not 2 talk or see any one yet she wondera why I hide away n shit I love my mum but she has problems its like im the kid with the problem n she knows whats bes n I never get a say

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I reckon your lights are to far away or not enough ferts.
Or gigz has nice temps Luke is freezing his ass off
ha ha..i have had a column heater on the go in the grow room....

growth rate IDK??.. I think gigs is just going extremely well. We are 21 days in. So say 3 days for seed to germ. 3 days for planted seed to show above soil/medium/rooter plug and a couple days for the helmet to fall off. that's a week there. So we are really only 14 days into veg if that. If gigs popped another seed and got a party cup going I don't think he would be at a disadvantage in the party cup challenge.

I am struggling with learning a new medium but I didn't think the plants were lagging that much.
P.S PHing sucks balls