Oregon Elite Seeds

So are you one of the people having problems? Or just giving your opinion?
Cause it seems it's just hate from non customers, just saying..

What information was being spread? Emails? Home address? Credit card #?

Home addresses and previous orders. Read the fucking thread.
Are you one of them people?
How you know I did not read the thread ?

Have the infected contacted oes,other than this thread?

No. I started responding to this thread because I do full stack web development, and when I saw OES say the account compromises only affected a few users, I called bullshit. Anyone with experience setting up databases can immediately see what happened, there was a mismatch between user IDs and user information tables. It affects everyone or no one.

And I know you haven’t read the thread because I already laid this out. Other users brought this issue up in this thread and by email over a month ago. OES ignored it, despite continuing to post IN THIS THREAD.
You lie. You completely bypassed over the concerns on here regarding private info issues and it is on here for everyone to see right now.
Post #4053 (page 203 of this thread) was made on March 12, 2018 stating the issue with private info. (multiple posts regarding this same issue followed)
Post #4056 (page 203 of this thread) was made on March 12, 2018 stating the same issue with private info.
Post #4066 (page 204 of this thread) you posted March 19, 2018 and you responded to everything but the issues with security and personal info.
Post #4075 & 4076 (page 204 of this thread) you posted on March 21, 2018 and again you respond to everything but the security issues & personal info.
Post #4084 (page 205 of this thread) you posted on April 5, 2018....and you still didnt address the security issues or personal info concerns.
Post #4085 (page 205 of this thread) you posted on April 11, 2018....still nothing regarding multiple posted concerns about private info and site security.
Post #4087 & #4088 (page 205 of this page) you posted on April 12, 2018 and again,nothing addressing the private info and security issues.

It wasnt until my post putting you on blast April 14, 2018 that you pretend to give a shit. Im not stupid and neither are the folks in this thread so you can quit with the simpleton act. Everything is here in plain sight with time stamps for all to see. Dont act like you didnt see those comments, tags or notifications from those multiple posts. So please tell me again how you didnt see ANY of this??

Relevant post from @HydroRed indicating all the ways he tried to contact OES about the issue but was ignored for over a month.

How are people ok with this? If you’ve ever ordered from OES, someone else has or had access to your home address and previous order history. Marijuana is still federally illegal. It’s illegal to send or receive seeds in the mail. Even in legal states, growing marijuana could lead to issues with your job, or retaining custody of your kids. Having such a lax attitude with their customer’s personal information should horrify you.
Mod here,so I read most active post.. for 1

On page 204,seems he worked it out for one guy,but it was still affecting people,he did not directly reply to them people,and that's when shit hit the fan...

Or am I missing something ?

And just cause you call bullshit,dose not make it true.. just saying.
If you do web work,then help him out,have him pay you.... bam everybody's happy..
Or I call bullshit.
Mod here,so I read most active post.. for 1

On page 204,seems he worked it out for one guy,but it was still affecting people,he did not directly reply to them people,and that's when shit hit the fan...

Or am I missing something ?

And just cause you call bullshit,dose not make it true.. just saying.
If you do web work,then help him out,have him pay you.... bam everybody's happy..
Or I call bullshit.

Lol. Are you getting paid?

He directly passed over people who had issues and addressed others who needed to order, ignoring the safety of people alreay using his site. Come on!

True colors of toby were shown here and you are just either to kind? or being paid not to see them? This is not okay. He did NOT fix the issue if he is asking people to contact him if they have an issue. This means he knows the issue exist and refuses to take the site down and fix it. Otherwise he would not be asking for people to report issues. Lmao!
Lol. Are you getting paid?

He directly passed over people who had issues and addressed others who needed to order, ignoring the safety of people alreay using his site. Come on!

True colors of toby were shown here and you are just either to kind? or being paid not to see them? This is not okay. He did NOT fix the issue if he is asking people to contact him if they have an issue. This means he knows the issue exist and refuses to take the site down and fix it. Otherwise he would not be asking for people to report issues. Lmao!
Nope,but how is something going to get fixed,by replying to you here?
Real question .

I'm here,cause I'm planning on vending with him,and have been checking out how he conducts himself,in these situations.
Lol. Are you getting paid?

He directly passed over people who had issues and addressed others who needed to order, ignoring the safety of people alreay using his site. Come on!

True colors of toby were shown here and you are just either to kind? or being paid not to see them? This is not okay. He did NOT fix the issue if he is asking people to contact him if they have an issue. This means he knows the issue exist and refuses to take the site down and fix it. Otherwise he would not be asking for people to report issues. Lmao!
actually the only issue is with the 3 or so ppl on here who say they have a problem and yet they still fail to this moment to contact us to fix it. I cant fix it if i do not know who you are that got affected. LIKE i say if you WERE one of the handleful of ppl affected WHEN it HAPPENED A MONTH ago CONTACT us so we can fix it. when it happened it switched info with a few ppl i CANNOT FIX IT for those few ppl until they contact us..................SO will the 2 or 3 ppl above who have this issue please contact us so we can fix it.
Nope,but how is something going to get fixed,by replying to you here?
Real question .

I have a real question as well. Is that a trick question or something? That's like saying how is the ecoli outbreak going to be fixed by telling people not to eat the lettuce. You make it sound like he couldn't fix the problem and reply here. As if somehow acknowledging the issue is going to keep the problem from getting fixed..

A problem arose where peoples personal information was being exposed. People tried to contact OES to bring the problem to his attention and instead of acknowledging and fixing the problem he just ignores them? He then comes up with 1001 excuses as well as lying by saying the problem has been fixed when it clearly hasn't.

I dont have a horse in the race but if the way he is handling this serious issue doesn't cause you to think twice about vending with him.. idk?

And just cause you call bullshit,dose not make it true.. just saying.
Or I call bullshit.
actually the only issue is with the 3 or so ppl on here who say they have a problem and yet they still fail to this moment to contact us to fix it. I cant fix it if i do not know who you are that got affected. LIKE i say if you WERE one of the handleful of ppl affected WHEN it HAPPENED A MONTH ago CONTACT us so we can fix it. when it happened it switched info with a few ppl i CANNOT FIX IT for those few ppl until they contact us..................SO will the 2 or 3 ppl above who have this issue please contact us so we can fix it.

I honestly do not get how you do not seem to understand how serious this issue actually is. Legal grower or not this is a huge fucking deal. The fact that you refuse to even acknowledge the seriousness of it is scary. Even if it was only 2-3 people (highly fuckin doubt it) your fuck up just possibly put 2-3 people in serious harms way. Either legally or criminally.
It is one thing to fuck up so bad on your website, it is a whole other thing to refuse to take responsibility or even acknowledge the severity of your fuck up.
I am not a customer or a website tech. I am however a grower and this shit is just about as bad as I can think of in regards to a fuck up.
I would actually rather be completely ripped off for my money then have my information out there.
Glad it isn't my business that made this monumental fuck up.
Cheers :)
actually the only issue is with the 3 or so ppl on here who say they have a problem and yet they still fail to this moment to contact us to fix it. I cant fix it if i do not know who you are that got affected. LIKE i say if you WERE one of the handleful of ppl affected WHEN it HAPPENED A MONTH ago CONTACT us so we can fix it. when it happened it switched info with a few ppl i CANNOT FIX IT for those few ppl until they contact us..................SO will the 2 or 3 ppl above who have this issue please contact us so we can fix it.


Maybe if you say it enough times, and with enough capitalized letters, it will make it true?
look fellas I've done everything i can ive said everything i can all in all if you feel there an issue then you dont have to shop at my site its that simple. if you had an issue then please call so we can fix it if you dont call then i guess its really not an issue. here for 2 days ive been saying call us yet no one calls they just talk here so with that im done i cant keep saying the same thing over and over
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I have a real question as well. Is that a trick question or something? That's like saying how is the ecoli outbreak going to be fixed by telling people not to eat the lettuce
I couple things I can say.

I too had to make a new password for the new website. Upon getting in I did see someone elses order ubder my account but it eventually was erased, i'm thinking thats a glitch but regardless it showed me someone elses names and mailin address which is unsettleing because now someone else can possibly see mine.

I've had some communication problems but I was able to get everything resolved via texting the phone number above. Prior to that I never got a response via email or the website, but then again prior to now I never had any problems with OES. I tried to be patient but I did have to follow up a few times to get everything squared away. One thing that always bothered me was i'd see an order ship before another order that was placed two weeks earlier so the orders aernt necesserialy shipped in the order they were received.

Either way, he's got some great genetics and you do get what you ordered in the legit packs. Out of probably 10 orders there was one I did not recieve and the tracking says it was delivered so thats on me I guess, but if you google "usps tracking says delivered" it seems they update the tracking all the time wothout the package being deivered. Only $100 but if it was more id not be too happy.

All this being said, Ive been doing business a few years and i'll be back.
actually the only issue is with the 3 or so ppl on here who say they have a problem and yet they still fail to this moment to contact us to fix it. I cant fix it if i do not know who you are that got affected. LIKE i say if you WERE one of the handleful of ppl affected WHEN it HAPPENED A MONTH ago CONTACT us so we can fix it. when it happened it switched info with a few ppl i CANNOT FIX IT for those few ppl until they contact us..................SO will the 2 or 3 ppl above who have this issue please contact us so we can fix it.

Your such an asshole! Lmao! There are more than 2-3 people here stating they have an issue.

I hope you are gets fucking popped! You can give 2 shits about anything but your wallet.

I will pray tonight you die in a fire! Slowly.

Genuity there is a hole slew of us that hate Toby and his arrogant money hungry ways. If you can't see here in this thread how he is not good for the industry than good luck. I would buy your seeds from anywhere but here.

I am out and I can't wait till you get someone popped and they roll on your two bit operation.

Again, die in a fire you loser! Fuck I hate you and how you down play this bullshit!