Opiates, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here use opiates either occassionally or daily? Whether it's prescription pain meds or diesel (not bud but as in H). Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Long timer. Not proud of it. Bad way to go thru the years. Steals ability to enjoy. Period.
Just enough to ward off withdrawal these days . . . not feeling anything, but my weed!


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Long timer. Not proud of it. Bad way to go thru the years. Steals ability to enjoy. Period.
Just enough to ward off withdrawal these days . . . not feeling anything, but my weed!

Hi MrFishy,

I know exactly what you're saying! It's a love/hate relationship, ya know?


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you're saying! It's a love/hate relationship, ya know?
What up roxi?
i used to be a hardcore user. after og went down, i got on methadone and stopped growing. plus growing a pound every 2 weeks wasn't cutting it anymore to pay the bill so i was already lookin into methadone, and suboxone methadone is probably worse but it's also a lot cheaper.
i can verify it is bad bad news. i used to live in IL and i would go into the middle of the hood in chicago to score. i got robbed at gunpoint, and still went back the same night. it's a terrible drug and u will risk ur life to get it and not even realize it...
if u ever have any q's or just want to shoot the shit about i would be glad to.

Edit... I don't mean literaly "shoot the shit"


Well-Known Member
oh shit u r from out east. that is where the best shit is by far!!!! thats all from asia. the further west u go the worse! NY's shit gets more diluted and once u get too far west it's coming from mexico


Active Member
haha in the city all you hear is "rocks and blows" the shit isnt pure H tho in chicago its mixed with pain killers to cut their product so they make more its never pure


Well-Known Member
Good to read that "methadone" is a problem for others. That shit's so much more addictive than most other crap . . . and after a month or two, the user feels nothing, but going without is not an option, because the user feels so frickin' lethargic.

I was sellin' "boy" and "girl" pre-1970 . . . have done just about every thing drug-wise, most many times . . . never felt addicted to anything until I messed w/methadone.
Seven years now, and just ate today's dose.


Well-Known Member
i been on oxy codone for 2 years now they add oxycontin. it is not str enough to kill pain so i will have to up that. i dont have addiction yet but i do have a tolerance which is not serious yet. i know it will get serious i guess but the pain is a bitch and the pills they got their upside:) i was a seriuos alcholic before so i know al abot addiction, so serious i need a liver transplant. i in 30's. i avoided going on more pain pills and accepted the pain for over a year because of this. The pills a godsend, if not abuswed they are the best thing. for the pain i think the way the healcare system manages it they are doing their best. some docotrs offer methadone as a pain prescription but thanks to the advice of addicts and this site i have refused and opted for the contins. however we all the nature of opiates. abuse and phsical addiction are a way for them. i so my nest to limit my intake. i take half doses i periodically trya few days off. the marijauna in conjunctin with the pill si the best thing. the pills often keep me awake, the pills are never enough to remove the pain and in conjunction with the weed it balances out for me nice. opiates make me not mind the pain, weed makes the pain feel good. I am about to take another wake up dose of pain pills the first just did not do it, lol, (half pills! lo). we got oxycodon, oxy contin, tramadol. also coffee. lol. a few posts form now i will be on a kick. gotta build an eb system today, lol, yup a tim teh tool man tailor. all these opiates why i tried weed again, not a good idea to tease the dragon for too long like this, especially without a back up like weed. also i so fricking fed up with the pahrmacy system how i gotta cll and check in my prescription every month for the rest of my life just to be hassaled and treated like an addcit. some time it takes me a week to get through my doctors switchboard to request and check in for next months pills. it annoyeing, long post i apologise for my spelling! with pills u will get addcited develop tolerance seek more and then go to rehab almost likely. sad i know but i seen and felt it all. moderate your use even less than they tell yu too. use weed, opiate adcition as i gather is worse than u can imagine. *chews* an oxy, yum.



Well-Known Member
the sad thing is the doctors will give me all the opiates i need but if they find out i use weed they will refuse me my liver transplant. dead serious, they showed me an example how they let a guy die on the table becasu 5 months 28 days before he had tested positive for marijauna. they put yur liver operatin bak 6 months no matter what if they test u positive! the rules say so!


Well-Known Member
Good to read that "methadone" is a problem for others. That shit's so much more addictive than most other crap . . . and after a month or two, the user feels nothing, but going without is not an option, because the user feels so frickin' lethargic.

I was sellin' "boy" and "girl" pre-1970 . . . have done just about every thing drug-wise, most many times . . .
oh yeah, big problem, but it also probably saved my life. if i wouldnt have gotten on that i would have a much diferent life. weed wouldn't be involved
never felt addicted to anything until I messed w/methadone.
Seven years now, and just ate today's dose.
lol. i was tryin to hold off on mine due to some stomach probs. i ended up reading your post and goin to swallow mine down too...
haha in the city all you hear is "rocks and blows" the shit isnt pure H tho in chicago its mixed with pain killers to cut their product so they make more its never pure
if u think chi is bad, go to milwaukee. i was up there for a few also and i knew one guy who had the best shit i ever seen, and the rest was junk. up there it went for 160-200 a gram no matter what vs 60-140 in chi. if u can get shit in chi for cheap, just 1.5 hours north and you can get rich:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i have been on suboxone for 2 years. i am down to taking next to nothing but cant seem to dt completely. i get so sick and tired that it feels like i am in hell.


Well-Known Member
the sad thing is the doctors will give me all the opiates i need but if they find out i use weed they will refuse me my liver transplant. dead serious, they showed me an example how they let a guy die on the table becasu 5 months 28 days before he had tested positive for marijauna. they put yur liver operatin bak 6 months no matter what if they test u positive! the rules say so!
un-fucking real. i dont see the big de3al, but i bet pharmacudical companies have a lot to do with it. what a fuckin joke. then again having a money mind set, i would rather sell heroin (oxy's) than weed. so can u blame the pharmacudical companies or the laws that protect their products.
we would be a lot further along with medical marijuana laws if Bush weren't in office. he has so much money in pharmacudicals, if mari was approved for medical use on a fed level he would lose a ton.
just another reason for me to hate him i guess. anyways gl with everything.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i have been on suboxone for 2 years. i am down to taking next to nothing but cant seem to dt completely. i get so sick and tired that it feels like i am in hell.
ur gonna have to bite the bullet when ur ready. u can do it. u will probably have to take a couple days off and just be sick:eyesmoke:. keep working it down. if the piece u take is too small u have to crush it and put it into a shot or two of water and only drink half the water. ween yourself down to nothing, your next to nothing right now, u just have a littl more to go, u can do it:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'll bet E.St.Louis stuff is hot . . . as Louisville was in the mid-late 70's.

Also, with methadone . . . it's long 1/2 life (23hrs?) ensures that when the patient does run out, they don't really feel horrible until day 2 . . . day 1 is reserved for just your basic feeling like shit.


Well-Known Member
Well I have been on pain meds for chronic pain for several years now. I'm prescribed Oxycodone, total of 160mg per day. I haven't used H since Oxy is readily available to me by script but I know many people whose DOC was Oxy that did switch to H since they couldn't afford their Oxy habit and H was a cheaper better high.

Since we all know how good opiates make you feel, I'm sure you guys could tell the rest of my story without hearing it. I do need them for pain but it is a bitch to not take more than I should. I have considered Methadone since it does work great for pain and the dosing is controlled but what I hear it's a beast to get off and has alot of side effects. Suboxone is not something I'm interested in because it does jack shit for pain and never helped my craving much, only kept me well.

So I guess if you're in pain, there aren't many choices. Either be in pain or dependent on your meds.

Good to hear from all of you can can relate.


Well-Known Member
ur gonna have to bite the bullet when ur ready. u can do it. u will probably have to take a couple days off and just be sick:eyesmoke:. keep working it down. if the piece u take is too small u have to crush it and put it into a shot or two of water and only drink half the water. ween yourself down to nothing, your next to nothing right now, u just have a littl more to go, u can do it:peace:
thanks for the encouragement my friend.i am positive we will beat this soon. i am sure many of us here have been down similar paths battling different addictions. i started on suboxone mainly to help my wife. instead of spending 100 or more a day on oxy for years i decided to try to get help for us through my insurance. instead of spending that much i only had to pay 20 for a whole month of medicine. but as i said i am a little stronger than my wife cuz i used to dt without anything and go work for 12hr days and more. she just didnt have the strength to do it at times. the suboxone was a life and marriage saver for us. now as we want to come off these, i am laid off but she works a lot now. we are just waiting for her to get some days off in a row so we can come off these. i know we can do it but it will be tough. good luck to everyone with their problems.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the encouragement my friend.i am positive we will beat this soon. i am sure many of us here have been down similar paths battling different addictions. i started on suboxone mainly to help my wife. instead of spending 100 or more a day on oxy for years i decided to try to get help for us through my insurance. instead of spending that much i only had to pay 20 for a whole month of medicine. but as i said i am a little stronger than my wife cuz i used to dt without anything and go work for 12hr days and more. she just didnt have the strength to do it at times. the suboxone was a life and marriage saver for us. now as we want to come off these, i am laid off but she works a lot now. we are just waiting for her to get some days off in a row so we can come off these. i know we can do it but it will be tough. good luck to everyone with their problems.

If you don't mind me asking what dose are you down to? I maybe able to help you with a relatively pain free taper schedule.

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
I've smoked H about 10-15 times total, and it was the shit. My buddy who actually introduced me to it said it's not worth getting hooked on, and I've seen him go through withdrawls and I believe him. It was an excellent high and I could easily see myself getting hooked, so I haven't done it for over a year. It's not nearly as big as it was in the '60s, but I still know a few people who do it.

I've never had the chance to try opium, however, and from what I've heard it's very similar to the H high, but cleaner. I've heard that opium to H is like cocaine to meth- less processed (and usually less cut) for a more natural high. I'll definitely try opium if and when I get the chance