What’s the most dry weight you have pulled from a autoflower

I totally get your point. When I'm getting a good start and a good pheno she outperforms photos every day a week. Also when you get it right in the beginning she stays strong and grows by herself the rest of the time. Autos know they have to perform at max as they have a clock ticking, this clock gives autos extra power to really get huge and heavy.
Autos are the future man, photos don't have a chance.
I totally get your point. When I'm getting a good start and a good pheno she outperforms photos every day a week. Also when you get it right in the beginning she stays strong and grows by herself the rest of the time. Autos know they have to perform at max as they have a clock ticking, this clock gives autos extra power to really get huge and heavy.
Autos are the future man, photos don't have a chance.
Honestly, i just spent $168 and $138 on 2 orders of Mephisto in last 2 months. I have a good amount of photos(mostly HSO stuff) and had a Dinafem WW freebie. Had a HSO 707 Headband so figured might as well throw in the auto to see what it brings. Didn't even try. 4 gal pot. Coco. No ph. 2x 200 watt 2700k cfls that were my first lights. AND watered with nutes 1 time a week. Thays right. Only nutes 1 time a week. Topped her too. Got little more than an oz. for neglecting the damn thing. I decided i was going to grow some autos for real since she did so damn good with no effort at all. This weekend im popping a Hubbabubba and a Fugue State(Walter White×Amnesia) and am super ass excited for them. Might not grow photos anymore if i get a good grip on Mephisto.
So basically it sounds like it really depends on the strain and genetics when it comes to getting good yields from auto flowers they can be anywhere from an oz to a pound but I suppose same thing could be said for a photo though depending on how long you are willing to veg for
So basically it sounds like it really depends on the strain and genetics when it comes to getting good yields from auto flowers they can be anywhere from an oz to a pound but I suppose same thing could be said for a photo though depending on how long you are willing to veg for
Correct. You have to look at the genes. Some are bred to grow short and wide. Some are 85/100% indica and small no matter what. Some are sativa and grow tall and yeild more.
I grew autos outdoors last summer and will again this summer, because they finish before the fall rains come (I haven't grown them indoors). The ones I grew last summer had a large variety of sizes based I believe primarily on genetics, and then how much direct sun they got. That might sound obvious, but if you're in a legal state and growing in your back yard in a neighborhood with fences and trees etc., that can easily be the limiting factor. I had two of the same strain of auto (Dark Devil), and mid-season one got shaded out part of the day by a photo that was planted too close to it. It was half the size of the other auto that had a few more hours of direct sunlight per day.

I can't say how much bigger my outdoor photos would have gotten if they had more sun, but as is in my yard they grow exponentially bigger than my indoor grown photos. But I don't think with autos the potential difference between growing indoor and outdoor is anywhere near as big as with photos.

Also, there was almost no size difference between autos planted in the ground vs. in 10 gallon pots. The biggest plant by far was one of @HighLowGrow 's strains, it was 2-3x bigger than the others (it happened to be planted in the ground). I didn't get a final weight on it because it was a bad worm season and that one got hit hard, I lost about 1/3 of the plant to bud worms.

Here's some pics of the big one, won't break any records except being the biggest auto I've grown so far...

2017outdoorHLGauto4.jpg 2017outdoorHLGauto2.jpg 2017outdoorHLGauto1.jpg 2017outdoorHLGauto5.jpg 2017outdoorHLGauto3.jpg 2017outdoorHLGauto6.jpg
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Honestly, i just spent $168 and $138 on 2 orders of Mephisto in last 2 months. I have a good amount of photos(mostly HSO stuff) and had a Dinafem WW freebie. Had a HSO 707 Headband so figured might as well throw in the auto to see what it brings. Didn't even try. 4 gal pot. Coco. No ph. 2x 200 watt 2700k cfls that were my first lights. AND watered with nutes 1 time a week. Thays right. Only nutes 1 time a week. Topped her too. Got little more than an oz. for neglecting the damn thing. I decided i was going to grow some autos for real since she did so damn good with no effort at all. This weekend im popping a Hubbabubba and a Fugue State(Walter White×Amnesia) and am super ass excited for them. Might not grow photos anymore if i get a good grip on Mephisto.
Auto ultimate is a good strain. I enjoy breeding autos. I'm growing
White widow
White widow xxl
Big Stilton
Tangerine dream
Critical mass. I do all my auto growing outdoors. Mephisto has a lot of great strains but I'm unsure how they go outdoors
I grew autos outdoors last summer and will again this summer, because they finish before the fall rains come (I haven't grown them indoors). The ones I grew last summer had a large variety of sizes based I believe primarily on genetics, and then how much direct sun they got. That might sound obvious, but if you're in a legal state and growing in your back yard in a neighborhood with fences and trees etc., that can easily be the limiting factor. I had two of the same strain of auto (Dark Devil), and mid-season one got shaded out part of the day by a photo that was planted too close to it. It was half the size of the other auto that had a few more hours of direct sunlight per day.

I can't say how much bigger my outdoor photos would have gotten if they had more sun, but as is in my yard they grow exponentially bigger than my indoor grown photos. But I don't think with autos the potential difference between growing indoor and outdoor is anywhere near as big as with photos.

Also, there was almost no size difference between autos planted in the ground vs. in 10 gallon pots. The biggest plant by far was one of @HighLowGrow 's strains, it was 2-3x bigger than the others (it happened to be planted in the ground). I didn't get a final weight on it because it was a bad worm season and that one got hit hard, I lost about 1/3 of the plant to bud worms.

Here's some pics of the big one, won't break any records except being the biggest auto I've grown so far...

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Very nice job.
I have got over a pound, 3 times :hug:I would say it's definitely worth it. You just have to go with a breeder that is known to deliver.
I'm looking for good place to grab autos something with strong kush taste don't really care about as much about yeild as I do flavor any good info of place ships to Canada thanks
I'm looking for good place to grab autos something with strong kush taste don't really care about as much about yeild as I do flavor any good info of place ships to Canada thanks

Have you tried True North Seed Bank, i definitely think they have what you are looking for. They have got alot of seeds from many different breeders to choose from and they have their shipping center in Canada so a delivery will go fast
Not sure if i can link here, but I will put a link up if u cant find them.
Actually our native reserve just opened a true north seed bank I was skeptical I'd get what advertised but looks pretty good not a lot of stock I found but maybe I'll go take a look at the store thanks I'll let u know what I find thanks man