She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!


New Member
As a woman, I see Palin as a bimbo puppet. She can't answer any questions, she can just tap dance around. She is just a tool to get the publics mind off what is really going on in Washington.

How about abstinence only education is the way to go, just ask my 17 year old pregnant daughter, she'll tell you all about abstinence. :roll:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

There's not a picture to go along, so...


"If my daughter is raped and impregnated, I want her to be forced to raise the child of the rapist."

Sarah Palin


Well-Known Member
I also know that if you outlaw abortion, you will only be preying on the poor, the rich chics will just go to a country where it is IS legal and get one, in a clean and hygenic clinic, poor chics won't have that option. Back to basement horrors and atrocities. Before the 1940s, 9 outta 10 women died in childbirth. Funny, I don't think any men die giving birth, but they get to decide the laws concerning it?

Tips, your pic didn't go thru.... :^(


Well-Known Member
In one of my medical textbooks 'fore I dropped outta med school. Don't remember which one. Wuddn't matter, you are gonna 'beleive' what you want reguarless of sources or facts.


Well-Known Member
In one of my medical textbooks 'fore I dropped outta med school. Don't remember which one. Wuddn't matter, you are gonna 'beleive' what you want reguarless of sources or facts.
no I would believe you if gave a source, I'm sure you could have googled it if it was true. The reason I asked you for a source is because I believe in facts, facts matter to me. where are your facts? where the data?


Well-Known Member
no I would believe you if gave a source, I'm sure you could have googled it if it was true. The reason I asked you for a source is because I believe in facts, facts matter to me. where are your facts? where the data?
"i'll go find some and get back to ya." :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I already told you, go badger someone else. DOn't know if the book was right, but it was part of the curriculm in my LPN training back 18 years ago. I don't have the book anymore, and I don't care what 'google' turns up. I couldn't care less what you believe or don't, ain't gonna waste my time trying to prove something to you when even if I COULD get that info you would believe it then.

So, if you wanna eat some troll food I got plenty, don't have the source outside of what I have learned in med school, I COULD get my old nursing instructor to validate it (not that would matter to you either) but that would take a few days, and I doubt you are worth the trouble.


Well-Known Member
I did take note how conviently you ignored my point about how such a law would prey on the poor..... So you hafta try and discredit me altogether, I know of two groups who can only debate that way, churches and the govt..... If ridiculing you and character assisnations don't work, then here comes the law.....

But while you would still remain unmoved in the face of ANY facts, even IF I had the source and facts you still wouldn't jump sides, admit it.


Well-Known Member
I already told you, go badger someone else. DOn't know if the book was right, but it was part of the curriculm in my LPN training back 18 years ago. I don't have the book anymore, and I don't care what 'google' turns up. I couldn't care less what you believe or don't, ain't gonna waste my time trying to prove something to you when even if I COULD get that info you would believe it then.

So, if you wanna eat some troll food I got plenty, don't have the source outside of what I have learned in med school, I COULD get my old nursing instructor to validate it (not that would matter to you either) but that would take a few days, and I doubt you are worth the trouble.
it's monday morning. :cuss:



Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight your source is something you read 18 years ago. If your 9 out of 10 stat was correct than there should be some data out there


Well-Known Member
And if I did you would 'POOF' magikally change sides on the issue? Or even SERIOUSLY reevaluate your own stance? I really doubt it.

IF you did, I mite look it up. But since I don't figure it would really matter, you will 'believe' what you want reguardless (why they call it 'belief', cuz it requires blind faith rather than seeking answers for yourself and discovering FOR YOURSELF, like I have.) But if you can assure me my time won't be wasted, I will try and get that. But honestly, if it ain't gonna matter, then why bother? I ain't got much longer and I gotta get off the computer and get back to life (pancakes for breakfast for me and the littlest and we got a trail ride today), so I try and spend my time havin fun or doin what will make a REAL difference.

Still nothing about the point about how such a law will affect differently those of different economic and social statuses?


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1]Childbirth in colonial America was a difficult and sometimes dangerous experience for women. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, between 1 percent and 1.5 percent of all births ended in the mother's death as a result of exhaustion, dehydration, infection, hemorrhage, or convulsions. Since the typical mother gave birth to between five and eight children, her lifetime chances of dying in childbirth ran as high as 1 in 8. This meant that if a woman had eight female friends, it was likely that one might die in childbirth.[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
2 clicks of google, ...............................

Untitled Document

1932 US maternal mortality rises to 6.3 deaths per 1,000 and 7.4 deaths per 1,000 in cities. Twilight Sleep is still used for most deliveries.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say that she killed him, he killed himself.

Though she did make one worth while remark.

"Government, in fact, too often you are the problem." :-)
