Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
There certainly needs to be better monitoring but banning it won't help anyone.
It will help the thousands upon thousands of sheep and cattle that are being cooked alive on these grossly over packed ships with no basic care given to access food or water, so tightly packed it’s impossible to lay down to rest, and those that do collapse now risk being buried by the millions of litres of untreated waste.
Fark.. don’t get me started. Have a quick read of this:


Well-Known Member
It will help the thousands upon thousands of sheep and cattle that are being cooked alive on these grossly over packed ships with no basic care given to access food or water, so tightly packed it’s impossible to lay down to rest, and those that do collapse now risk being buried by the millions of litres of untreated waste.
Fark.. don’t get me started. Have a quick read of this:
To be honest in most situations its better for the animals to be relatively densely packed .. if they have more room to move around alot more injures occur. Speaking from experience


Well-Known Member
And also will cause a massive market crash which will hurt alot of farming familys. Personally im against sending the chinese anything thats alive and can be bred from .. nz dairy heifers for example ... dont sell the main consumer of your products the means to cut you from the supply chain .. thats like your dealer giving his customers seeds and teaching him to grow .. its shortsighted profiteering with 0 fucks given for the next generation farmer


Well-Known Member
I guess I have gotten you started.
If we're going to play share-a-link here's one for you to check out, changes are being made.
Yes changes are being made — just not fast enough. And it’s not only the conditions these animals are enduring on these live export ships — it’s also what they’re about to suffer once they disembark in the Middle East. They’re not slaughtered in abattoirs like we have here. These animals are tortured to death!! I forced myself to watch quite a few documentaries showing real hidden footage and no joke I felt traumatised for the next few months. I have read about the practices but actually witnessing it really fucked me up.
I don’t want Aussie and nz farming families to suffer either but maybe it’s them too that need to come together and rally for more to be done to help the stock they care for and raise have a humanely as possible road to slaughter.


Well-Known Member
Yes changes are being made — just not fast enough. And it’s not only the conditions these animals are enduring on these live export ships — it’s also what they’re about to suffer once they disembark in the Middle East. They’re not slaughtered in abattoirs like we have here. These animals are tortured to death!! I forced myself to watch quite a few documentaries showing real hidden footage and no joke I felt traumatised for the next few months. I have read about the practices but actually witnessing it really fucked me up.
I don’t want Aussie and nz farming families to suffer either but maybe it’s them too that need to come together and rally for more to be done to help the stock they care for and raise have a humanely as possible road to slaughter.
Banning Australian exports won't change what happens in other countries. Once we remove ourselves from the trade we give up any chance we have to improve the treatment of animals in the destination countries and things have improved there too, not enough but more than if we'd done nothing.
There are already regulations in place about what happens to our exported animals. They're not being enforced properly and I think the penalties are inadequate


Well-Known Member
Banning Australian exports won't change what happens in other countries. Once we remove ourselves from the trade we give up any chance we have to improve the treatment of animals in the destination countries and things have improved there too, not enough but more than if we'd done nothing.
There are already regulations in place about what happens to our exported animals. They're not being enforced properly and I think the penalties are inadequate


Well-Known Member
If your going to set up a grow in the middle of no where I’ll give you a tip, always have a backup genie or 2 on hand it will pay for itself because when you run them 24/7 they are garaunteed to break it’s only a matter of when