U.S. Constitution


New Member
The U.S. Constitution, "Another case of... Don't believe everything you read"


annnnd heeeere coooomes the calvaryyyyyyyyyyy




New Member
They may as well of printed it on Charmin.
Thats way too good.
You know that TP at public restrooms that will eventually make your ass bleed if you use too much?
Yea, thats what it might as well be printed on.

Good analogy actually. If you "use" the constitution too much you will end up with a "bloody ass"



Well-Known Member
well the gov't obviously just does whatever the fuck they want....something like 75% of people were against the bailout and they pass it anyway, so much for representation....


New Member
So that is the problem with the constitution. They didn't print it out on toilet paper even though that's what they treat it like.

That's why I'm saying fuck the government when it comes to weed. How the fuck can they keep jacking me for taxes and then denying my pursuit of happiness?

What do you have to do to be able to move to Canada?


New Member
well the gov't obviously just does whatever the fuck they want....something like 75% of people were against the bailout and they pass it anyway, so much for representation....
get a democracy then.

democracy means the people have the power. You are living in a republic, not a democracy.

"government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system."


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what the connection is between the Constitution and the site where Jesus was crucified as Chuck alludes to.


Well-Known Member
have any of you guys ever noticed the error in the very first sentence...in order to form a more perfect union....how can something be more perfect! how did no one catch this lol


Well-Known Member
have any of you guys ever noticed the error in the very first sentence...in order to form a more perfect union....how can something be more perfect!
perfection, being unattainable, is merely an ideal. to be more perfect is to become closer to that ideal, to strive for the unattainable. a lofty goal and a laudable one.


New Member
Nothing of the sort was said on this thread. Let's please try to pay attention and stay on topic. If we all work together we can do it. :roll:

I'd like to know what the connection is between the Constitution and the site where Jesus was crucified as Chuck alludes to.


New Member
Nothing of the sort was said on this thread. Let's please try to pay attention and stay on topic. If we all work together we can do it. :roll:
yea, this boy is always off target. I think his beloved government is lacing his weed with PCP or something because he is way off his rocker.

Yea, if we all worked together we could do it. But there are still too many fighting change. They are just too afraid of things changing. They just want themselves and their pile of money left alone.


I didn't know that. Pray tell how you came to find this out. ;) :lol:
best you got cowboy?

perfection, being unattainable, is merely an ideal. to be more perfect is to become closer to that ideal, to strive for the unattainable. a lofty goal and a laudable one.
looks like we have a philosopher on our hands.

perfection is unattainable because.. "what is perfection?"

perfection in one persons eyes won't necessarily mean perfection in someone elses eyes. So why are we trying to force this "Ideal" on everyone? Can't everyone have their own ideal?
Isnt that what living in a free society means?


Well-Known Member
Nothing of the sort was said on this thread. Let's please try to pay attention and stay on topic. If we all work together we can do it. :roll:
There's a big difference between "calvary" and "cavalry". But then again, I wouldn't expect someone who claims he didn't know that the US was having federal election, despite the fact that he frequents here and every other thread is about said federal election, to know that.


New Member
But what if the majority in society wanted to legislate something that the minority did not want/desire?
what are we legislating?

If we can we should just let people choose for themselves, where possible, such as abortion.

Most issues that NEED to be legislated are pretty open and close if you ask me. But some people decide to split hairs by allowing the majority to choose for the minority in such cases as abortion.

"legislate something"

Legislate what?


New Member
what are we legislating?

If we can we should just let people choose for themselves, where possible, such as abortion.

Most issues that NEED to be legislated are pretty open and close if you ask me. But some people decide to split hairs by allowing the majority to choose for the minority in such cases as abortion.

"legislate something"

Legislate what?
In America, Chuck, a minority of 9 (people), actually 7 (people), tell a majority of 300 million (people) what they must adhere to, as far as abortion law is concerned. Just sayin' Chuck.


New Member
In America, Chuck, a minority of 9 (people), actually 7 (people), tell a majority of 300 million (people) what they must adhere to, as far as abortion law is concerned. Just sayin' Chuck.
thats right,, you need someone to hold your hand and tell you whats right and wrong. big brother.. ahh,, aint it pathetic?

btw,,, good job at saving VTX from having to actually answer a question.. You all seem to disappear when i ask questions.. Than a new one of you pathetic fools comes along and tries to be the big man...


cc you are boring.. go talk to your cat.

Thanks for the two american cents.. you know, the penny that is worth next to nothing because of your butt fuck government??



New Member
thats right,, you need someone to hold your hand and tell you whats right and wrong. big brother.. ahh,, aint it pathetic?

btw,,, good job at saving VTX from having to actually answer a question.. You all seem to disappear when i ask questions.. Than a new one of you pathetic fools comes along and tries to be the big man...


cc you are boring.. go talk to your cat.

Thanks for the two american cents.. you know, the penny that is worth next to nothing because of your butt fuck government??

Chuck. You're not in a fight. You're conversing, and poorly at that. You're paranoid, Chuck. Nobody is after you, Chuck. It's just that we, who at times like to dabble in debate, find you amusing as all get out. If you don't want me to talk to you, Chuck, fine. I won't engage you, Chuck. Hit me up sometime if you feel like chatting; I'll be around, Chuck. Until then, Chuck.