Tobbacco with drawels and going without weed plus adhd and stuff thread


Well-Known Member
im looking for some feed back advice tips thoughts ect on quitting ciggeretes and not smoking weed but also strugling with adhd anxiety and depresion going threw with drawels bout 5 days in n im kinda curios as 2 what 2 expext i kinda knowmwhwt symptoms but is it like its gunna get harder amd worse then ill be god or is there like a time framemthat if i can not smoke 4 that time ill be good not sure what 2 expect or how in hell im gunna get threw it
im looking for some feed back advice tips thoughts ect on quitting ciggeretes and not smoking weed but also strugling with adhd anxiety and depresion going threw with drawels bout 5 days in n im kinda curios as 2 what 2 expext i kinda knowmwhwt symptoms but is it like its gunna get harder amd worse then ill be god or is there like a time framemthat if i can not smoke 4 that time ill be good not sure what 2 expect or how in hell im gunna get threw it
I can vape weed fairly heavy and simply quit without any symptoms. But I workout everyday and such. I’m diagnosed with GAD/PTSD And depression and severe migraines. I don’t smoke cigarettes anymore or drink but when I did I just tossed them and was done too. The gym is the best thing to do I think to get through it. I’m lucky maybe when it comes to having a addictive personality or getting withdrawals.
im looking for some feed back advice tips thoughts ect on quitting ciggeretes and not smoking weed but also strugling with adhd anxiety and depresion going threw with drawels bout 5 days in n im kinda curios as 2 what 2 expext i kinda knowmwhwt symptoms but is it like its gunna get harder amd worse then ill be god or is there like a time framemthat if i can not smoke 4 that time ill be good not sure what 2 expect or how in hell im gunna get threw it
To the doctor for them non smoking tablets Zyban or what your country calls them

they take a bit of getting used to but go the course say 3 months

you keep smoking and only quit when you want

cause of that you may restart many times

but then you get the hang of it

once of the ciggs then you can turn your attention to weed

thank fully is easy and toke just 1-2 at first

always have a hobby you can do without weed slowing you down

scuba diving or helicopter lessons is popular so is war games or paint ball etc etc

time is everything here

most fail cause of the attraction to weed in the first place

thats the warned

good luck
thanks 4 tje help every one im def not quitting weed 4 good more of a get my shit 2 gether sort of thing but thank u so mutch every one
I think if i can go untill these plants are cured plus the job ill have a cone on friday sort of thing n ill be rignt
I was prescribed welbutrin in the late 90’s as a psychotropic. The smell of a cigarette would make me want to puke and lost all desire to smoke.
at this point tho i think im just gunna try again when i have good enough weed

I used smokeless dip one time to quit smoking. And a month or 2 later quit dipping. That was about 12 years ago. But I started dipping again about 4 years ago.
im looking for some feed back advice tips thoughts ect on quitting ciggeretes and not smoking weed but also strugling with adhd anxiety and depresion going threw with drawels bout 5 days in n im kinda curios as 2 what 2 expext i kinda knowmwhwt symptoms but is it like its gunna get harder amd worse then ill be god or is there like a time framemthat if i can not smoke 4 that time ill be good not sure what 2 expect or how in hell im gunna get threw it
Its going to feel ugly at times.
Pay attention and when you realize you are all up in your head redirect yourself.
Read, garden, walk, etc

I have dealt with all this and much worse.

Its not going to be easy but you can make it worse by focusing on it.

But charface Im different than others who have done it before me
Wrong.. ..

I don't like to read, walk garden etc.
Then dont.

Do the action and eventually the feelings come.
It doesn't happen the other way around.

Its a leap of faith that others have already taken for you.
We know it works
All you have to do is get on the path and walk where we did.

And yes we tripped along the way.
Get back up and walk.
And if you are under a drs orders for any of those issues you listed continue to treat them as directed