Who is gonna pay for the homeless when half the population leaves?


Well-Known Member

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member

This is a really nice poll out of the Bay area here done by the local council. 50% say they are planning to leave with the next couple of years. I think it shows a very downward trend of how society feels In this liberal utopia.

EMC Research #18-6695 Top Issues -4-
(IF likely to move out of the Bay Area in the next few years) (n=461)
You mentioned you may be likely to move out of the Bay Area in the next few years. Why do you say that?
(Multiple responses accepted – answers total to over 100%)

Cost of Living 45
Housing/Rent Costs 27
Traffic/Congestion 9
Too many taxes 9
Development/Overpopulation 9
Government/Budget 5
Change of career/new job/retiring 5
Jobs/Economy 4
Diminishing quality of life 4
It's becoming less desirable to live here 4
Income inequality 3
Immigration/illegal immigrants/sanctuary cities 3
Housing Availability 2
To be closer to family 2
Homelessness 2
Crime/Safety 2
Other Housing 2
Policies/People are too liberal 1
Other 9
Don't Know/Nothing 2

So liberal policies are the least important reason in people's minds


Well-Known Member
EMC Research #18-6695 Top Issues -4-
(IF likely to move out of the Bay Area in the next few years) (n=461)
You mentioned you may be likely to move out of the Bay Area in the next few years. Why do you say that?
(Multiple responses accepted – answers total to over 100%)

Cost of Living 45
Housing/Rent Costs 27
Traffic/Congestion 9
Too many taxes 9
Development/Overpopulation 9
Government/Budget 5
Change of career/new job/retiring 5
Jobs/Economy 4
Diminishing quality of life 4
It's becoming less desirable to live here 4
Income inequality 3
Immigration/illegal immigrants/sanctuary cities 3
Housing Availability 2
To be closer to family 2
Homelessness 2
Crime/Safety 2
Other Housing 2
Policies/People are too liberal 1
Other 9
Don't Know/Nothing 2

So liberal policies are the least important reason in people's minds
In fact the liberal policies are the reason too many people want to live there which is why the costs have risen so high.

Have I mentioned that Trumpers are not smart?
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

This is a really nice poll out of the Bay area here done by the local council. 50% say they are planning to leave with the next couple of years. I think it shows a very downward trend of how society feels In this liberal utopia.
sounds as if they had better start working on lowering the cost of housing. Of course, lowering the cost of housing is an obsession among the radical right. You sure did nail this one terp.



Well-Known Member
Hey @Terps that pedophile you support sounds a lot like you.

Now for real, it is a real shame schools will not take the steps to protect themselves due to a overabundance of liberal PC bullshit
from your article:
“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” Larson said.

Are you voting for him? Were you a big fan of Roy Moore too?


Well-Known Member

There already is a self described pedophile white supremacist running for congress, he's running as a Independent but looks like a pasty white republican. You really are the village idiot.
