Aussie Growers Thread

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
sucks how much white flies ruin a good pic. little motherfuckers.

Pop your beans and see what you get eh? also, feel free to send some pollen if you find anything worth saving ;)
fuck oath mate those white flys were bad that yr...weird tho didn't really affect the sr71 at all but I gotta admit they came in late at nearly harvest time so I was lucky..they did rape my wonder woman the year before and I ended up with 7 ounces of what should have been a 20 oz plant easy


Well-Known Member
Are these fuckers any good for say 3x2 or 3x3 ... gotta be better than a T5 for flowering ?
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It says 600w on the box but its probably 150-odd watts including fans. It'll grow a crop in that space but it won't blow you away with yeilds. If you have more than that in wattage with your t5s they'd do as good or better job than that meizhi light (probably) - especially if you have decent quality bulbs in the t5


Well-Known Member
fuck you telstra you fucking shit cunts. where do i send the bill for the hours I've spent on the phone today listening to your stupid fucking accents. If I hear another ESL cunt say "no worries" in an american accent Im going to reach through the phone and fist-fuck them


Well-Known Member
Short answer is no but but I find this kind of shit interesting. Dunno if this helps or not but this seemed like a super-rough example but might be useful for matching pressure and in turn selecting the right pump.

"...You want the air in the tank to be approx. 70% of the off pressure. For example your pump builds up pressure and shuts off at 500kpa, then the pressure drops and it turns on again at 200kpa. You want to be setting your air pressure at 350 kpa (500 x 0.7)."

More here:

Disclaimer: I'm not an engineer or a plumber - apologies if this is telling you how to suck eggs :D


Well-Known Member
really considering building one of these cob arrays.

i have been checking out different suppliers and i think i could do a 1.2m x 1.2m tent for about $800



Well-Known Member
Short answer is no but but I find this kind of shit interesting. Dunno if this helps or not but this seemed like a super-rough example but might be useful for matching pressure and in turn selecting the right pump.

"...You want the air in the tank to be approx. 70% of the off pressure. For example your pump builds up pressure and shuts off at 500kpa, then the pressure drops and it turns on again at 200kpa. You want to be setting your air pressure at 350 kpa (500 x 0.7)."

More here:

Disclaimer: I'm not an engineer or a plumber - apologies if this is telling you how to suck eggs :D
That seems to fit with what I’ve been reading,I’m going to go a slightly larger (2L) accumulator and smaller pump (8L) per min than I was going to so the pump will cycle a little less and will run longer when it does cycle.Im going to be feeding around 30 blumats so from what I can see it should be about right