No longer dealing with Greenpoint seeds


Active Member
Not that it will matter to any one, but I will no longer buy Greenpoint.

1: I used the payofix and had bogus charges on my CC.

1: received 5 cannaventure seeds per pack when site said you get 6 per pack.

2: says their glitch messed with my auction win and they won't be honoring my payment and will return it to me.

I've seen this before with GPS. It then goes up again at a later date. It doesn't fly.
My reply from GuScreenshot_20180627-175316.png
Not that it will matter to any one, but I will no longer buy Greenpoint.

1: I used the payofix and had bogus charges on my CC.

1: received 5 cannaventure seeds per pack when site said you get 6 per pack.

2: says their glitch messed with my auction win and they won't be honoring my payment and will return it to me.

I've seen this before with GPS. It then goes up again at a later date. It doesn't fly.
My reply from GuView attachment 4156925

Sorry about your troubles. Sadly his response is "it is risky buying drugs on credit" . Just some marketing "guru" who chucks. No morals , ethics, or breeding know how.
Known CC fraud for months now
Still selling strains he himself calls "dogshit plain and simple"
Sat down and looked "someone in the eyes for hours" and sold their bunk S1s

He is a hack who gives any actual breeder, and the seed selling business a bad name. Anyone would be better off simply growing the cuts he fucks up.
Cheers :)
Sorry about your troubles. Sadly his response is "it is risky buying drugs on credit" . Just some marketing "guru" who chucks. No morals , ethics, or breeding know how.
Known CC fraud for months now
Still selling strains he himself calls "dogshit plain and simple"
Sat down and looked "someone in the eyes for hours" and sold their bunk S1s

He is a hack who gives any actual breeder, and the seed selling business a bad name. Anyone would be better off simply growing the cuts he fucks up.
Cheers :)
I have had no problem with his own genetics. It's just his business practices. He makes it up as he goes.
I have had no problem with his own genetics. It's just his business practices. He makes it up as he goes.

He actually has none of his own genetics. He has his "stud" male and any cut he can get his hands on. He then dust that cut with his male and sells the resulting seeds as "elite" genetics. He doesnt breed or work shit and never has. I doubt he is even able to. I figure that is why he needs to rely on RIU members for pics of his own gear. Best part is when he just takes the pic without even asking.
Glad you had a good outcome from one of his chucks. Lots of others have had complete shit. He isn't about anything other then a quick buck and I am shocked he hasn't gotten knocked the fuck out at a show yet.
Cheers :)
Yes and then reimbursed everyone who bought them with Greenpoints own bred genetics or offered a refund for the purchase.
It was a part of a scam, Greenpoint along with some other seed banks were victims as well as us buyers.

It’s hard to feel sorry for GPS when he said he talked face to face with the guy (don’t believe it for a second) and ensured everyone that the beans were tested.

And on top of that, he’s replaced packs for everyone that has *contacted* him about the S1’s. He didn’t send out an email saying the beans are bogus and he’ll rectify things. He didn’t put something up on the website letting people know. People that don’t tend to frequent the forums are still probably hanging on to their packs or are wondering why their S1’s are throwing males.

And I’ve been saying for months that he should get rid of the CC processor. But according to him, he thinks it was just a bad egg at payofix. Regardless of how the CC info is getting out there, a processor that is regularly leading to fraudulent charges shouldn’t be used.
He actually has none of his own genetics. He has his "stud" male and any cut he can get his hands on. He then dust that cut with his male and sells the resulting seeds as "elite" genetics. He doesnt breed or work shit and never has. I doubt he is even able to. I figure that is why he needs to rely on RIU members for pics of his own gear. Best part is when he just takes the pic without even asking.
Glad you had a good outcome from one of his chucks. Lots of others have had complete shit. He isn't about anything other then a quick buck and I am shocked he hasn't gotten knocked the fuck out at a show yet.
Cheers :)

I genuinely don’t believe he tests anything either. There were the monster cookie crosses that hermed like crazy. He called Pig Whistle shit but still sells it. And he’s repeatedly released “testers” only to offer them for sale well before any grows have been documented. Now he’s about to release a MAC1 cross. I hope people know how fucked up crosses using that cut are before they buy them.
My braking point was winning an auction for $21.00 out the door. 3 days later as my cash is in the mail, they cancel the auction. That's CRAP.
Right after you ordered, you never received a "confirmation" email with an "order #"? I have always received that email and have never had a problem.
I take it Gu never gave you credit for the order? I could understand if you had no response from them.
Not that it will matter to any one, but I will no longer buy Greenpoint.

1: I used the payofix and had bogus charges on my CC.

1: received 5 cannaventure seeds per pack when site said you get 6 per pack.

2: says their glitch messed with my auction win and they won't be honoring my payment and will return it to me.

I've seen this before with GPS. It then goes up again at a later date. It doesn't fly.
My reply from GuView attachment 4156925
So you were a valued customer and he didn't honor the auction or offer up another solution? That email doesn't really include any pertinent info.
Anyone who would buy from someone with the rap sheet seen above in just this thread is crazy. Paying for seeds online is suppose to take the guess work out of things. There is always a chance of a bad bean......but this dude sounds like he may have accidentally done a few good things and caught some attention and trust from people. Now it sounds like he's chuckin pollen as fast as he can before his ship sinks. I hate to see people getting screwed over like this. Most of us are growing for medicine and or to help sick people. Sounds like a real POS. I've never worked with GP or bought from them. I definitely won't touch any of it now for sure. Like someone else said above. Seems like he's taking whatever he can get his hands on and pollinating then selling the beans without any tests......when a breeder says testers .....i run as fast as I possibly could. Stealing people's photos to show his product faster..... several complaints about CC legs are burning I'm running so fast.... I just seen that the green point thread is completely gone on RIU. None of the guys who went in that thread daily can find it......disappeared like a fart in the wind. Sounds like you guys were hitting to close to home and they pulled out maybe. Off to wear out their welcome other places I'm sure.
Anyone who would buy from someone with the rap sheet seen above in just this thread is crazy. Paying for seeds online is suppose to take the guess work out of things. There is always a chance of a bad bean......but this dude sounds like he may have accidentally done a few good things and caught some attention and trust from people. Now it sounds like he's chuckin pollen as fast as he can before his ship sinks. I hate to see people getting screwed over like this. Most of us are growing for medicine and or to help sick people. Sounds like a real POS. I've never worked with GP or bought from them. I definitely won't touch any of it now for sure. Like someone else said above. Seems like he's taking whatever he can get his hands on and pollinating then selling the beans without any tests......when a breeder says testers .....i run as fast as I possibly could. Stealing people's photos to show his product faster..... several complaints about CC legs are burning I'm running so fast.... I just seen that the green point thread is completely gone on RIU. None of the guys who went in that thread daily can find it......disappeared like a fart in the wind. Sounds like you guys were hitting to close to home and they pulled out maybe. Off to wear out their welcome other places I'm sure.
All good points, especially the last one. lol
Wow you guys turn and run quick eh?

I'm contacting RIU now to find out where the thread went. It was not my thread and I was not the OP so not sure what happened.

Mike, You tried to buy Texas Butter at $10 I don't sell seeds for that cheap playa, I explained the situation and you were still upset about our payment options.

I cannot please everyone.

But I'm still here.
Wow you guys turn and run quick eh?

I'm contacting RIU now to find out where the thread went. It was not my thread and I was not the OP so not sure what happened.

Mike, You tried to buy Texas Butter at $10 I don't sell seeds for that cheap playa, I explained the situation and you were still upset about our payment options.

I cannot please everyone.

But I'm still here.
Quick! Make a "Greenpoint Backup thread! lol
Anyone who would buy from someone with the rap sheet seen above in just this thread is crazy. Paying for seeds online is suppose to take the guess work out of things. There is always a chance of a bad bean......but this dude sounds like he may have accidentally done a few good things and caught some attention and trust from people. Now it sounds like he's chuckin pollen as fast as he can before his ship sinks. I hate to see people getting screwed over like this. Most of us are growing for medicine and or to help sick people. Sounds like a real POS. I've never worked with GP or bought from them. I definitely won't touch any of it now for sure. Like someone else said above. Seems like he's taking whatever he can get his hands on and pollinating then selling the beans without any tests......when a breeder says testers .....i run as fast as I possibly could. Stealing people's photos to show his product faster..... several complaints about CC legs are burning I'm running so fast.... I just seen that the green point thread is completely gone on RIU. None of the guys who went in that thread daily can find it......disappeared like a fart in the wind. Sounds like you guys were hitting to close to home and they pulled out maybe. Off to wear out their welcome other places I'm sure.
Yea but to be fair any business will have nay sayers and Greenpoint had a 1500+ page thread with happy customers that just got deleted for some reason.

I bought the cookie wreck on recommendation from Bob zmuda. If he says it's good it's good.

I've personally bought a few strains from them using my debit card. No fradulent charges.

Not saying it didn't happen. Just saying out of 1500+ pages of happy people only a few were unhappy.
Wow you guys turn and run quick eh?

I'm contacting RIU now to find out where the thread went. It was not my thread and I was not the OP so not sure what happened.

Mike, You tried to buy Texas Butter at $10 I don't sell seeds for that cheap playa, I explained the situation and you were still upset about our payment options.

I cannot please everyone.

But I'm still here.
Most of your customers are still here least for now. I'm pissed. I just spent 2 hours sweating my ass off in my grow taking pics only to log on and find ALL my past greenpoint pics and posts have vanished.

Hopefully they reinstate the original tact!
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Never purchased from Greenpoint, but payofix is super shady. They processed a payment for me through another seed store. Got an email it was declined. Even though I had cash. 2 days later they payofix pulled out the cash without sending an email. Then emailed me and said my card got hacked, they processed the payment through another company themselves. Long story short. Payofix sucks. Use cash or money order.