Well-Known Member
And all one needs to do is check the posting history of the "unhappy" ones to see through the horseshit.Yea but to be fair any business will have nay sayers and Greenpoint had a 1500+ page thread with happy customers that just got deleted for some reason.
I bought the cookie wreck on recommendation from Bob zmuda. If he says it's good it's good.
I've personally bought a few strains from them using my debit card. No fradulent charges.
Not saying it didn't happen. Just saying out of 1500+ pages of happy people only a few were unhappy.
Not every review of every strain is gonna be glowing. I try to post honest reviews no matter who the breeder is. That thread had a LOT of good growers in it. Growers whom I opinions trust.
I also bought Cackleberry based of Bobs pics and review

And as far as the CC fraud. Every bank offers protection and GP isn't the only bank who uses Payofix. SHN uses it as well but I don't see anyone attacking SHN.
Payofix sucks. Use prepaid cards, or a debit that you keep a minimal amount on. Better yet...just send a USPS money order with DC
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