What did you accomplish today?

I earnt fk all today. Actually spent more than I earnt.
Did some sanding of bog on the project car, did some more bogging on the project car....got a phone call whilst bogging project car inviting me for beers and darts at a mates house. Not a bad way to spend a Thursday afternoon so spent the arvo getting pissed and playing bad darts.
Getting pissed and playing bad darts. Brings back memories, we set up a pub league team just so we could get pissed in different pubs. My best ever score was a 140 when barely able to stand and without my glasses so I couldn't even see the board, it was just a two coloured blur, don't think I could get 180 with 3 hedgehogs...
Getting pissed and playing bad darts. Brings back memories, we set up a pub league team just so we could get pissed in different pubs. My best ever score was a 140 when barely able to stand and without my glasses so I couldn't even see the board, it was just a two coloured blur, don't think I could get 180 with 3 hedgehogs...
counting is way to hard when ur pissed and or stoned ,we just play start at 1 and go to 20, any bull to finish,
counting is way to hard when ur pissed and or stoned ,we just play start at 1 and go to 20, any bull to finish,

The counting wasn't the problem, not being able to hit a cow's arse with a banjo when it comes to darts is the issue. Give me a rifle, then it's different, even the silly little air rifle ranges at local fairs. Last time, beginning of the month, was on weed before going out, took painkillers and Valium, hit the more "artisanal" (i.e. minimum 9% abv) beer, some gin, was definitely wobbly but still did better than locals who were clearly in a better state than me, SWMBO still doesn't know how I became so calm, relaxed and stable as soon as that toy gun went into my hands.

But darts? Always pull the shot, even when I try to compensate for the pull I still send it off. Am as much use as a fart in a spacesuit at that game.
I can shoot pretty well when sober..pissed and or stoned...yea..waste of ammo
I cannot count and subtract when alert and "with it". Thank god my school teacher was wrong and we do indeed carry a calculator around with us everywhere we go.
Was always good with numbers, pissed, stoned or sober, and growing up in a time when everyone left school with at least the ability to read, write and count in their head helps there, certain things were drilled into you so hard you never forget them.

Same as good firearms "training" at a fairly young age, you never forget these skills.

Just bloody hopeless at darts
Was always good with numbers, pissed, stoned or sober, and growing up in a time when everyone left school with at least the ability to read, write and count in their head helps there, certain things were drilled into you so hard you never forget them.

Same as good firearms "training" at a fairly young age, you never forget these skills.

Just bloody hopeless at darts
Im dyslectic, went to private catholic boys schools....had a rifle when I was 10ish.

Im hopeless at darts as well.
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Epoxy stone done in garage & front porch.

Have to clean out basement and start bringing in refinished furniture. Raining all day, not moving anything today.

One defect they're coming back to fix. Less than a foot inside door, door was blocked up a foot so it didn't go down on tacky epoxy until dry. I think a bird may have landed there. Coming later today.

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Right between garage and man door. Need a tablespoon of stuff to level.

That looks awesome.
I did not. I thought about it but the homeowner is a psycho bitch and I didn't want to trip with her.

Yeah it's a buzz kill when you got weirdos around while trying to suck your toad. I've seen it a hundred times. They walk around the corner and see the toad hanging out yer mouth and all the sudden it was their toad. It's really hard to just be a normal human being these days Neo.

Good lookin toad