You're quite right. That's one reason I'm so reviled here; I refuse to align myself with either gang of dogmatists.
Instead, I infuriate them by pointing out how both parties in America collude on the 'important stuff', like loosening banking regulations (enacted to prevent another Great Crash), passing jaw droppingly large 'defense' budgets, authorizing wars of aggression under the guise of 'police actions' and 'security missions' that have missed millions of innocents over the last 15 years, etc, etc.
Then the parties tell everyone how much different they are from each other by screaming about abortion rights, gay marriage and gun laws.
It's such a ritualized shit show anymore that most Americans don't bother with the main stream 'news', now comedians actually have higher credibility ratings with the public.
We don't get news like other democracies do; when the Chump administration clowns do interviews in places like the Netherlands, the reporters don't just sit quietly and scribble their bullshit in their notepads, they ask tough questions- and keep asking them when confronted with dithering, babbling non sequitur responses. I noticed the clown crew quickly stopped giving interviews overseas after that!