'Active Duty Discharge' The military is purging experienced personnel on flimsy excuses

Plans for internment camps to house asylum seekers in detention, directly against applicable Federal law and human rights conventions.

The actual ripping of babies away from their mothers for the horrible 'crime' of fleeing from (usually American backed) violence and oppression in their own countries.

If that doesn't suffice, I'm not sure how much more evidence of a extant police state would be enough for you.

we've heard this tune once before and know how it plays out..

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are you Canadian living in Canada or somewhere else besides US?
What does where I live have to do with this? I have to be American to debate? Not sure what relevancy the question has to the topic at hand?


I get that this isn't a wholesale purge of military middle management. YET.

My point is that it sets a disturbing precedent that can be used to justify more extreme behavior later.

Much like how the RICO Act was implemented, at first it want enforced. Years later, a few precedent setting cases. Now, it's an all but unquestioned abuse of Americans right to protection from search and seizure without due process.

This thread is about yet another instance of a very disturbing beginning.

As usual, the self appointed liberal trolls here have missed the point completely- but when it comes up again, they'll scream loudly as if it was their idea all along. They'll even deny I mentioned it first.

It's happened before.

So the cancelling of a contract/program with 40 people that, again was supposedly due to a faulty vetting process will lead to a purge or even remotely resembles a purge of the rank and file? I fail to see the connection. As I’m not familiar with the RICO act I can not respond but I’m thinking we have somewhat the same thing here with the organized crime laws. If it is remotely the same I fail to see that leading to a police state in the true sense of the meaning. I do think you guys are overreacting to a government that has went off the rails. Surely you have in place many checks to stop anything remotely possible. Yes the family separation thing was fucked up but after the backlash once reported it didn’t take long for orange head to change direction. I’m not sure I’m against the camp thing for illegals though, if they are processed properly and in a timely manner, at least they stay together as a family unit. Not sure what the solution to that problem is, it’s a tough one lol. But I do think you left out some pretty important points in your post and I’m thinking you did that purposely to put forward your agenda. As stated it was concerning thread until the actual details of what happened were laid to bear, now it’s IMO just, once again, a pricky thing your government did to non citizens.
when you have a lunatic as president, and the rest of the asylum as representatives, you have to take all kinds of shit seriously....because you have absolutely no idea what they'll do next. i truly believe they have no idea what they're going to do next, either, so it's practically impossible to anticipate them. you just have to wait for them to shit on the floor, again, then clean it up as quickly as you can, without making a bigger mess
when you have a lunatic as president, and the rest of the asylum as representatives, you have to take all kinds of shit seriously....because you have absolutely no idea what they'll do next. i truly believe they have no idea what they're going to do next, either, so it's practically impossible to anticipate them. you just have to wait for them to shit on the floor, again, then clean it up as quickly as you can, without making a bigger mess
I agree and I’m really not debating you have a huge problem down there that is causing huge issues globally. What I’m debating is an obscure policy that effects 40 people that was pulled off google that indicates the inevitable take over of your armed forces for the purpose of creating a dictatorship with the backing of the military. That’s all I’m saying lol. Yup you have a problem, I hope you solve it soon, god knows how the fuck it happened. Kind of like what we just did in Ontario I fear :(.
What does where I live have to do with this? I have to be American to debate? Not sure what relevancy the question has to the topic at hand?

So the cancelling of a contract/program with 40 people that, again was supposedly due to a faulty vetting process will lead to a purge or even remotely resembles a purge of the rank and file? I fail to see the connection. As I’m not familiar with the RICO act I can not respond but I’m thinking we have somewhat the same thing here with the organized crime laws. If it is remotely the same I fail to see that leading to a police state in the true sense of the meaning. I do think you guys are overreacting to a government that has went off the rails. Surely you have in place many checks to stop anything remotely possible. Yes the family separation thing was fucked up but after the backlash once reported it didn’t take long for orange head to change direction. I’m not sure I’m against the camp thing for illegals though, if they are processed properly and in a timely manner, at least they stay together as a family unit. Not sure what the solution to that problem is, it’s a tough one lol. But I do think you left out some pretty important points in your post and I’m thinking you did that purposely to put forward your agenda. As stated it was concerning thread until the actual details of what happened were laid to bear, now it’s IMO just, once again, a pricky thing your government did to non citizens.
Our system of checks and balances has failed.
i understand, but at this point if i saw an article online titled "trump plans to weaponize zebras, take over Africa" i'd have to read it and fact check it before i took it as a joke
Yes me too lol. But that was exactly what I did and cherry picked points of the actual reporting are what I’m debating, not that anything isn’t possible. I have yet to hear from tty why he left, what I concider, pretty critical points. Was it to add validity to his paranoia, that is not a criticism BTW, I would be pretty fucking concernd what’s next as well. This government action, the topic of the thread, is not one of them, even if the “deep state” contacts are freaking out IMO. Again I add this, I read this guys stuff everyday just to see what shit spewd from the POTUS the night before lol3D0121B4-5919-4AF0-AF62-D7122FF5E8A5.png
America has covert operations and personnel in every country in Africa.
Well that’s a shocker lol. I’m sure they have people in every country in the world, trying to fuck things up. They’ve been doing that since Christ was a cowboy, pretty much dismal failures for the target countries though. Went to Guatemala a while back, lovely capitalist experiment :(.
Yes me too lol. But that was exactly what I did and cherry picked points of the actual reporting are what I’m debating, not that anything isn’t possible. I have yet to hear from tty why he left, what I concider, pretty critical points. Was it to add validity to his paranoia, that is not a criticism BTW, I would be pretty fucking concernd what’s next as well. This government action, the topic of the thread, is not one of them, even if the “deep state” contacts are freaking out IMO. Again I add this, I read this guys stuff everyday just to see what shit spewd from the POTUS the night before lolView attachment 4162021
What are you asking me?
Well it seems that after the actual facts were read your post took on a far less sinister agenda, more of a stupid, paranoid, non citizens thing, IMO. Just wondering why you cherry picked the facts. Kind of Trumpy in a way ;). And I feel chatty, just made a bit of hash a few days ago, can’t seem to stop lol.
First, I heard an early report in the radio that didn't give a lot of details about numbers or the fact that the targets were all immigrants.

Second, I stand by my assertion that the right wing likes to drive thin wedges like these and then use them as precedent for wider policy changes later.

I mentioned RICO as a specific example; you should look it up.
First, I heard an early report in the radio that didn't give a lot of details about numbers or the fact that the targets were all immigrants.

Second, I stand by my assertion that the right wing likes to drive thin wedges like these and then use them as precedent for wider policy changes later.

I mentioned RICO as a specific example; you should look it up.
Fair enough but you would think your dark state connections would hopefully have had the details. Maybe their not as deep as you thought....:(.
First, I heard an early report in the radio that didn't give a lot of details about numbers or the fact that the targets were all immigrants.

Second, I stand by my assertion that the right wing likes to drive thin wedges like these and then use them as precedent for wider policy changes later.

I mentioned RICO as a specific example; you should look it up.
And yes I will read up on the RICO thing. I just always thought it was a way to get at the mob, watched the Sopranos lol
First, I heard an early report in the radio that didn't give a lot of details about numbers or the fact that the targets were all immigrants.

Second, I stand by my assertion that the right wing likes to drive thin wedges like these and then use them as precedent for wider policy changes later.

I mentioned RICO as a specific example; you should look it up.
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