Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

Friday, July 06, 2018 08:05AM
MAE SAI, Thailand -

A former member of the Thai navy's elite SEAL unit who volunteered to help his old comrades in their risky mission to evacuate a dozen boys and their soccer coach trapped in a cave has become the first casualty of the massive rescue effort.

The death of former Petty Officer 1st Class Saman Gunan early Friday morning during an underwater swim in the partly flooded cave struck a particularly deep chord with Thais, because he was a volunteer on a humanitarian mission that has riveted the nation's attention for two weeks. And as is the case with elite military units all over the world, Thailand's SEALs were quick to pay their own heartfelt tribute to their fallen friend.
They got 4 of the kids out today.
I don’t think there’s any avoiding the loss of humanity that often accompanies war. I think it’s just inherent in the nature of war itself. It should be minimized, of course, but war brings out not only the best, but also, of course, the worst in people. We should be careful not to enter wars so readily.
This. It's why I'm so anti-war. Our country does it so casually these days.
Let's hope they get everyone out alive and that one diver who lost his life not only didn't lose it in vain but will be the only one.

The parents of those kids have sent letters to the coach telling him they don't blame him for what happened- but if it was me, I'd carry a heavy burden of guilt for the rest of my life knowing someone died to get me and my group out of that jam alive.

That's a feeling I know many war veterans feel about comrades in arms who didn't make it back. Not being a veteran myself, I can only imagine what that's like. I don't imagine it feels very good at all.
and another 4 :)

Four more members of the youth soccer team trapped in a flooded Thailand cave have been rescued, Thai Navy SEALs confirmed on Monday.
Now, eight of the 12 boys have been removed from the cave after over two weeks. Four remain trapped, along with their coach.
My wife has been glued to the TV following this story. She clicks from channel to channel, and the story is not the same on any two of them.

Driving home Friday night I had heard {on the BBC} the rescue had started. I guess she knew, but I found out there is no late night news on TV anymore. They still call them 24 hour news channels, but they are not.
My wife has been glued to the TV following this story. She clicks from channel to channel, and the story is not the same on any two of them.

Driving home Friday night I had heard {on the BBC} the rescue had started. I guess she knew, but I found out there is no late night news on TV anymore. They still call them 24 hour news channels, but they are not.
They saved money by firing most of their journalists.

And yet they still call it news...
They saved money by firing most of their journalists.

And yet they still call it news...
I was commenting on the quantity, not the quality. {I would never watch any of them. When I feel the need for news, The News Hour works for me} They show repeats on Fox News after midnight I guess, and there was some sort of crime show on CNN. I forget what CNBC were doing, but it wasn't news.
I was commenting on the quantity, not the quality. {I would never watch any of them. When I feel the need for news, The News Hour works for me} They show repeats on Fox News after midnight I guess, and there was some sort of crime show on CNN. I forget what CNBC were doing, but it wasn't news.
Neither quantity or quality are priorities anymore.

Makes you wonder what they're for?
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His name was Saman Gunan (Guana/Kunan). He has just died taking oxygen to the Thai youngsters trapped in a cave. He didn’t save enough oxygen for himself for the way back. His bravery & innate selflessness represented humanity at its best. Rest in peace Saman.
All the kids, the coach and all other support personnel made it out alive and are doing fine.

That's an amazing accomplishment!

The episode had even had a unifying influence on Thai politics, which has been pretty badly fractured of late.
All the kids, the coach and all other support personnel made it out alive and are doing fine.

That's an amazing accomplishment!

The episode had even had a unifying influence on Thai politics, which has been pretty badly fractured of late.

I'm glad all made it out ok, such a shame about the Seal though but my question is WTF were they thinking going 2.5 miles into a cave in the first place (and with monsoon season looming)? o_O
I'm glad all made it out ok, such a shame about the Seal though but my question is WTF were they thinking going 2.5 miles into a cave in the first place (and with monsoon season looming)? o_O
You got me, brother. Not my idea of a good time.

I've been in caves, there are several open to tourists here in Colorado. I have no interest in cramming myself into strange crevices in the Earth before I stop breathing for good!