Renewable Energy + Battery Storage = Fossil Fuels Obsolete, Even Natural Gas


Well-Known Member
Effortlessly?! o_O

They cost literally billions more than originally planned, even without factoring in end of life decommissioning costs.

Have you even looked at the state of nuclear power these days? Utilities can't dump the construction projects, let alone existing plants fast enough! They're stranded assets- do you even know what that term means?

What's wrong with a thousand acres of wind turbines? Are you trying to imply that you can't grow crops or raise livestock under them? That's simple bullshit, nothing more.

Why can't we cover parking lots with solar carports? The land is already in use, the covers are beneficial.

Do you want to talk about actual solutions or just keep sucking radioactive nuke industry cock?
I'm taking reality here.

Your "feel good solutions" do nothing but continue our use of fossil fuels...

We need to get off them fast. We also need to not destroy our environment in the process

Your solution is not fast and it certainly will destroy a huge amount of environment to pull off.

It is not just the hundreds of thousands of wind turbines needed but also the access roads to get to them. You will need enough steel to build many many super aircraft carriers but also enough concrete and roads to sink them many times over...


Well-Known Member
They don't pollute if done right

Infact history has shown you need one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded and a fucking tsunami to mess up a nuclear power station

Cheap is not always the smart solution
Funny. No earthquakes recorded at Chernobyl or Three Mile Island...

Just human fallibility.

No biggie though- the cleanup will only take 24,300 years!


Well-Known Member
Utility companies across the country are lobbying against renewable energy and getting laws passed against it.
Only those with large installed fossil fuel assets.

Now ask yourself why they'd be lobbying against a competitive threat?

Because it's better and they know it- so they're trying to legislate the threat out of existence.

This is yet another example of how letting corporations be involved in government in ANY WAY, especially financially, is destructive to our country and our citizens.


Well-Known Member
It's not a perfect solution but it is a small one

One power station taking up tens of acres of land will effortlessly provide power that you'd need thousands of wind turbines or square miles of land for solar to get the same results...
How many square miles of the Fukushima district will not be habitable for centuries to come?


Well-Known Member
I'm taking reality here.

Your "feel good solutions" do nothing but continue our use of fossil fuels...

We need to get off them fast. We also need to not destroy our environment in the process

Your solution is not fast and it certainly will destroy a huge amount of environment to pull off.

It is not just the hundreds of thousands of wind turbines needed but also the access roads to get to them. You will need enough steel to build many many super aircraft carriers but also enough concrete and roads to sink them many times over...
Tell that to Georgia power, trying to get their nuclear project shut down because it's billions over budget and decades behind schedule.

Time to do your own homework instead of letting industry lobbyists tell you what to think.
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
try the California coastline.....
"A vast field of radioactive debris from Fukushima that is approximately the size of California has crossed the Pacific Ocean and is starting to collide with the west coast."...
I've read some scary shit about that mess and they have no chance of containing it with their current strategy as the shit is still pouring into the ocean.


Well-Known Member
I've read some scary shit about that mess and they have no chance of containing it with their current strategy as the shit is still pouring into the ocean.
And yet there is no shortage of dumb motherfuckers who say we should build more of them.

It's okay though- cancer is good for the healthcare industry.


Well-Known Member
Had this problem with a glass enclosed skyway at the CSU Natural Resources building. The solution? Black paper cutouts of predatory birds taped to the glass. It really can be that simple.
We get pigeons in our facility at work so we put in units that emit hawk sounds. Very often the pigeons are just hanging out right next to the speakers... laughing.

Maybe we got the regional dialect wrong.


Well-Known Member
I've wondered if a lot of this could be avoided with something as simple as deer whistles on the blade tips. I think more research should be done into finding ways to avoid such environmental impacts.

As an example, plans to dismantle and remove drilling rigs in the North Sea off the Scottish coast and in the Gulf of Mexico have been shelved; it turns out that leaving them in place creates artificial reef style habitat and supports the populations of a whole ecosystem of sea life. Unintended benefits!
Convert them to VWAT and make the tops an aerie?

That'll never happen, it makes too much sense.