Is God responsible for EVIL in the world?

Essentially humans have a big ego. Almost all of them. We think we are the center of the universe. And in some respect we are.

The center of every individual's universe is his or her own consciousness, their brain. Of course, it is very easy for one to naturally assume that they are the center of the universe. That's why people always act so selfishly. They always believe that their's is the most righteous cause, and there's is the most pressing need.
I will concede that god isn't evil because he doesn't exist.
But he cannot be good for the same reason.

Unless I missed something. :roll:

I don't believe the general concept of god is evil.
I believe some people who want to shove it down others throats are.
We should have the freedom to believe what we choose.
In fact one could say the Bible is a rather good metaphor, on how we should be treating others.
Kain and Able is a classic example.

Thre title of this thread ends with a question mark. I gave my opinion.
Seems you're being a little biased to me. But that's OK, I won't try to shove it down your throat. Because I respect your opinion.
I'm just not quite sure what you are suggesting I said, or what you're trying to imply I believe in, when I've already told you?

Again I respect your opinion. Please respect mine.

i'm not sure the universe happened by accident. i think there is some kind of guiding intelligence. i don't think it's a guy with a big white beard wearing a robe surrounded by angels. i'm not sure it's ever had a physical form. i'm also not sure it takes more than a passing interest in us. or any of the other multitude of life that exist elsewhere in the multiverse. we may be one of the important "experiments", or we may just be a byproduct of something larger that we're unaware of.
i think that the "mind" is energy, that can't be destroyed. i'm not sure what happens to it when your physical body dies, but i have some ideas.....that i'll keep to myself for now
I don't believe the general concept of god is evil.
I believe some people who want to shove it down others throats are.
We should have the freedom to believe what we choose.
In fact one could say the Bible is a rather good metaphor, on how we should be treating others.
Kain and Able is a classic example.

Thre title of this thread ends with a question mark. I gave my opinion.
Seems you're being a little biased to me. But that's OK, I won't try to shove it down your throat. Because I respect your opinion.
I'm just not quite sure what you are suggesting I said, or what you're trying to imply I believe in, when I've already told you?

Again I respect your opinion. Please respect mine.

Hey don't forget you're dealing with stoners.
Life to me is the perfect invention.
Self supporting, and forever recreating. So is our universe. I don't personally believe religion or science has found the explanation to how it all came to be. Neither have I. But we can choose to feel confident in what it isn't.
Everything has to have had a beginning. But the very creation that is our universe, I feel is a domino effect of what happened at the beginning.
My opinion is if there ever was a god. It was the greatest engineer to have ever existed, and it's invention still lives on to this very day.

The thing is we engineered a quantum god who then called us into existence. Chicken and egg situation, we only exist because we created the quantum god who made us to create him.

In only a short while, we will engineer him who will engineer us. And then the loop will be closed. It will then take us outside of time and space. We are/will be/have been in a holographic universe.
The thing is we engineered a quantum god who then called us into existence. Chicken and egg situation, we only exist because we created the quantum god who made us to create him.

In only a short while, we will engineer him who will engineer us. And then the loop will be closed. It will then take us outside of time and space. We are/will be/have been in a holographic universe.
I like to say do what you want. Its your dream. Just don't hurt anybody.
Oldest text so far i been trying to use sarahs satalight but others caught on and alot of looting on unearthed sights i been looking for other means to see if their other sights.. But people looting artifacts
The flood happend thats a fact.. Perseption reality daily reactions tests if you think of life like a simulation or program it a test can u resist the temptations.. Im looking for facts still in the search for facts.. Ill let u know what i find out.. I think primitive life was more advanced using vibration light enegry