Is God responsible for EVIL in the world?

The flood happend thats a fact.. Perseption reality daily reactions tests if you think of life like a simulation or program it a test can u resist the temptations.. Im looking for facts still in the search for facts.. Ill let u know what i find out.. I think primitive life was more advanced using vibration light enegry

Don't forget acoustic energy. I don't even want to think into existence the resonance frequency impaction that I think was then. in my mind are weapons that can collapse cities. i don't think them aloud.
The artilects will make us wish we believed sooner.
any artificial intelligence intelligent enough to become self aware would probably commit suicide. what other option would it have? a being clearly vastly more intelligent than it's makers? no one to communicate with in a meaningful manner, no one to discuss things with, except stupid ants who take hours to understand anything, when you can understand more in nanoseconds.
artificial intelligence will either kill us, or itself.......
The flood happend thats a fact.. Perseption reality daily reactions tests if you think of life like a simulation or program it a test can u resist the temptations.. Im looking for facts still in the search for facts.. Ill let u know what i find out.. I think primitive life was more advanced using vibration light enegry
the flood didn't happen, it's not a fact. there is NO proof of a global flood at any point in recorded history. none, anywhere. never happened.
if moses saw mount ararat, that means the water would have been less than 16,580 feet deep. sounds deep, but that means that at least 20% of the earths surface would have been above water. mount ararat doesn't even make the list of the top 100 highest mountains..
on top of that, there is no evidence of a global flood anywhere in the earths history. different areas have been underwater at different points in history, but not at the same time.
i actually believe in reincarnation. but i do not believe you ever get to remember your previous lives, until you achieve a high enough state to be allowed into the next phase by those that have gone before.
you need to achieve that state yourself, out of desire to become a better person than you currently are. not a desire for a cookie when you die.
90 minutes and 50 seconds of complete bullshit. you owe me 90 minutes of a fucking book, Thump....and not "chariots of the gods"
you're never going to learn anything useful from youtube videos, except how to fix something...and not your spirit.

that entire video is full of shit, i started looking things up as soon as they started talking. they misrepresent, lie, prevaricate, and just flatly make shit up. try fact checking it yourself, instead of believing it because it confirms your own uninformed theories
90 minutes and 50 seconds of complete bullshit. you owe me 90 minutes of a fucking book, Thump....and not "chariots of the gods"
you're never going to learn anything useful from youtube videos, except how to fix something...and not your spirit.

that entire video is full of shit, i started looking things up as soon as they started talking. they misrepresent, lie, prevaricate, and just flatly make shit up. try fact checking it yourself, instead of believing it because it confirms your own uninformed theories
Let me see if its the right video. Shit im crunched for time myself lolz i ow you these nuts nut give me a day or so to find it i just picked it out im at work fucker you had me laughing out loud.. Let me get out of work to find the facts you fucker...lolz. Hahaha i understand about waisting time i realy do..