Have you ever used a Geiger counter?
You do understand that we are constantly being bathed in radiation.
Banana'a are radioactive. Sea water is radioactive. You are radioactive..
Large doses are dangerous but your statement makes no sense...
The components making up that radiation most certainly do matter. Nuclear power waste products are far more dangerous than naturally occurring materials like carbon 14 in fruit.
Have you begun to notice that every argument you've put forward has been systematically knocked down?
Look- I used to think as you do. I thought that big nuclear power plants would generate cheap and plentiful energy for our society without carbon dioxide... And then I noticed there was always a 'but'.
But- mining, processing and handling those nuclear materials creates huge amounts of CO², not to mention lots of radioactivity of the nastiest kinds.
But- construction is CO² intensive (all that concrete for example), extremely expensive and therefore the energy produced is not cost effective.
But- operation is risky and the benefits only last a limited time, usually 30-50 years before the unit must be shut down permanently.
But- decommissioning, removal and long term storage of nuclear materials is extremely expensive and unsafe- and it never, ever stops being a cost. Ever. It's like we're stealing from our great grandchildren, because IT IS stealing from our grandchildren.
Nuclear power is a fucking mess- of the very worst and most permanent kind imaginable.
Anything else is better.