LED MODULE F TYPE Led Strips Series: LT-VB24F / 15632 lm per Strip


Well-Known Member
The only way to beat F-strip effiency would be Sammy's H-inFlux series. 4pcs L09 double row strips at 1,6Amps would be ~300-320w with +160lm/w or ~51.000lm.. They cost a bit more but higher upfront cost pays themself pretty fast..
If you do not look at the efficiency of the strips and rather look at bang for buck for someone starting on a small budget and they have power available freely which they do not pay for then i think these strips will work great, like in my circumstances i do not pay for power.

I have a question what do you guys put inbetween the aluminium and the strips, heatsink paste? or heatsink glue or do you put it on just like that?



Well-Known Member
If you do not look at the efficiency of the strips and rather look at bang for buck for someone starting on a small budget and they have power available freely which they do not pay for then i think these strips will work great, like in my circumstances i do not pay for power.

I have a question what do you guys put inbetween the aluminium and the strips, heatsink paste? or heatsink glue or do you put it on just like that?


Many of us me incl. use double sided thermal tape from e3ay/am4zon. The blueish one with 0,15 or 0,2mm thickness is strong enough to hold the strips in place. No screws are needed but you need to degrease/clean the c-channels with some alcohol. It's available from 5-50mm wide.


And about strips...
I thought two double row F-strips are cheaper or the same like three of this strips, no? 150lm/w compared against 130 is a lot. 40% vs. 47% effiency means you need more surface area to keep them cool. If it's only a few bucks more I would rather take two F-strips. You would need smaller C-channels to keep them cool enough which would probably make up for the difference.
Let's use a 300w fixture.. The one with 40% effiency(3x LT-VB24F) has 120PAR/w and would produce 180w of direct heat, the one with 47% effiency(2x LT-FB24B) would have 141PAR/w and 159w direct heat. That's not only 7% more light for almost the same money you also need smaller heatsinks. For F-strips you only need a 40x 40x 40mm c-channel, with LT-VB24F you would need 50x 40x 50mm c-channel to keep them in the same temp area.

Many of us have the same thoughts played through. But no matter how you look at it F-strips are really hard to beat. We're still talking about +260lm/$ at nom. current ... even after the last price increase.
If you run F-strips at 165w you would even get 412,5lm/$.

And at last, even if you dont pay for electricity 7% better effiency means 7% more bud... each harvest!
That sums up quickly and is worth a few bucks more...
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Well-Known Member
If you want high lumen per dollar rating Bridgelux Vesta series is a tunable double row strip worth to look at. They are also only 129/135lm/w but it's CRI90(comparable to 150/155lm/w in CRI80) and these strips have 2700 and 5000°k diodes. One row is 2700°k the other row is in 5000°k.
The 2ft. Vesta strips are 31mm wide(alu PCB) and each row runs with 24,8v/1Amp so 2x 24,8w and absolute max. would be 26,3v at 2Amps per row or 105w max. per strip and they cost only about 10$US/pcs. ~1200lm/$!


But even these ones look old against F-strips and have no chance when it comes to final yield.


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Well-Known Member
If you want high lumen per dollar rating Bridgelux Vesta series is a tunable double row strip worth to look at. They are also only 129/135lm/w but it's CRI90(comparable to 150/155lm/w in CRI80) and these strips have 2700 and 5000°k diodes. One row is 2700°k the other row is in 5000°k.
The 2ft. Vesta strips are 31mm wide(alu PCB) and each row runs with 24,8v/1Amp so 2x 24,8w and absolute max. would be 26,3v at 2Amps per row or 105w max. per strip and they cost only about 10$US/pcs.


But even these ones look old against F-strips and have no chance when it comes to final yield.
Do you know of anywhere to get them in bulk?


Well-Known Member
Do you know of anywhere to get them in bulk?
Hey buddy!
Nope, only digikey but you can ask for an offer if you need more strips.
Download the file below and change .pdf against .xlsx. (It was not allowed to upload xlsx files for some reason)
It shows how you can calculate the discount yourself. You can also send them an email:



Well-Known Member
Well, just found out that the pcb on my old King blurple crapped out -again. Lost 2 sections of leds-drivers and fans are ok so I'm in the mood to modify. Taking a close look at the 280mm Vestas-I should be able to fit 10 of them on the aluminum pcb(already stripped off the old diodes, should do just fine). The fixture has 4 80w CC drivers that run @570mA so I think that I could fit 6 on two of the drivers and the other four split between the other pair. I hope to be able to get this back in action for about $60 and have a substantial efficiency increase. What do you think????


Well-Known Member
Well, just found out that the pcb on my old King blurple crapped out -again. Lost 2 sections of leds-drivers and fans are ok so I'm in the mood to modify. Taking a close look at the 280mm Vestas-I should be able to fit 10 of them on the aluminum pcb(already stripped off the old diodes, should do just fine). The fixture has 4 80w CC drivers that run @570mA so I think that I could fit 6 on two of the drivers and the other four split between the other pair. I hope to be able to get this back in action for about $60 and have a substantial efficiency increase. What do you think????
Sounds like a project to me.


Well-Known Member
Very do able as long as the fixture fits the strips inside well. Unless you're planning on just using the sink and drivers on a new frame.
Why 6 & 4 though? Do 6 & 6 or 4 & 4.

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Well, just found out that the pcb on my old King blurple crapped out -again. Lost 2 sections of leds-drivers and fans are ok so I'm in the mood to modify. Taking a close look at the 280mm Vestas-I should be able to fit 10 of them on the aluminum pcb(already stripped off the old diodes, should do just fine). The fixture has 4 80w CC drivers that run @570mA so I think that I could fit 6 on two of the drivers and the other four split between the other pair. I hope to be able to get this back in action for about $60 and have a substantial efficiency increase. What do you think????
Id love to see the vestas grow, setting them up with a 3000k boards later this month, about 50-50 wattage. The double 90 cri spectrum looks really flat, similar to the sun, and red heavy, cant find the link but its on ledgardener somewhere.


Well-Known Member
After looking at some info of the Vesta's, I realize that each of the different spectrums are separately driven. I can fit 10 of the strips nicely inside the enclosure, using the original pcb as a sink. Because I can drive each spectrum separately, 5 sections should fit each driver nicely. I'll run the strips @570mA so each driver should do ~70w. I'll wire it so that the 5k drivers power up with the original power switch and I'll add an inline power switch for the 2 drivers on the 2.7k section(flower). Waiting for Arrow to respond with a quote but I think that I can do it for about $60


Well-Known Member
After finding what rudimentary specs were available for the King fixture, it looks like I should be able to effectively double the light output for just under the same power-not to bad. The old specs listed ~70 lm/watt and the Vestas are ~130 lm/watt


Well-Known Member
I do, some people don't, doubt it cuts off more than 1 or 2C.
I used paste on my cookie sheet light-just because I had a decent container of it. I don't think the manufacturer specs using anything.


Well-Known Member
After finding what rudimentary specs were available for the King fixture, it looks like I should be able to effectively double the light output for just under the same power-not to bad. The old specs listed ~70 lm/watt and the Vestas are ~130 lm/watt
So that is like 122lm /W after driver losses...