Faces of the master race.


It's common practice for the opposing side to send trouble makers in to cause problems and make them look bad. Some of the worst offenders may be right wingers pretending to be antifa, it's been seen at other events.
then antifa needs a secret handshake or something...if you're fighting people willing to infiltrate, you have to devise some sort of method to stop them.
I’m happier then a pig in shit! I would have left that shit hole thcfarmer long ago if I knew you guys had a political thread.C877E96B-F27A-443C-9DF9-C84A61E41E0D.jpeg

400 haters were scraped out of their shitholes from around the country to come to Portland Oregon. They were faced by about 2000 real people, not pugilistic gym rats like the haters. We were simply too many for them to face down. After a few hours the haters were forced by the police to leave.

Absolutely we look absurd. Old guys from the Vietnam protests holding signs and offering hugs? A musical band of clowns? Skinny student kids and musicians dressed up in black, doing funny ninja moves, hopelessly outmatched by the gun and knife carrying hate-breathing thug just out of prison? Or how about those disabled people "Fatties against Fascism" in wheelchairs in your post facing off a Hulk Hogan look alike and him backing down?


Totally absurd, just the way we want you to look.
then antifa needs a secret handshake or something...if you're fighting people willing to infiltrate, you have to devise some sort of method to stop them.
You don't get it. Antfa is not a military style organization. Their intent is to force the police to shut down the hate march, not overcome fascists through martial prowess.
The link between femmed plants and guys with bitch tits is undeniable. Gg#4 is the main culprit along with the gsc line.
This is why america is at war with feminism. I’m working on a reverse gene with my friend Lino to combat the fem gene.
You don't get it. Antfa is not a military style organization. Their intent is to force the police to shut down the hate march, not overcome fascists through martial prowess.
i get it, i just don't think antifa is being very effective. they don't seem to know what they want to be, or how to be...anything in particular.
they want to fight facism, but don't want to organize, or train, or do anything but show up unprepared for the shit that's about to happen.
they don't know each other, so anyone can show up and pay lip service, then turn on the crowd around them when shit starts...
no, i guess you're right, i don't get it. if your goal is to stop the events, then crash them and start fights. standing behind a barricade isn't going to stop anything, neither is yelling.
being disruptive isn't an effective strategy. either quit showing up at all, or stop congregating in one place before these events, filter into their crowd, wear their uniform....reverse their tactics.....